When we’d finally left my room and I’d given him the tour of the rest of the house, including the omega quarters and nest, he’d demanded a test run and eaten me until I’d cried out and almost collapsed onto the cushioned floor of the nest.

Four freaking orgasms from Amir. Fourthat day. I wasn’t counting how he’d made me feel the night we’d met.

Since that day, my alphas had become more affectionate, runningtheir fingers through my hair, hugging me from behind, dragging me to sit on their lap on our downtime when we were able to relax and watch movies.

Amir and I texted or talked on the phone several times a day as we tried to figure out another time for a group date. The two of us could always hang out around the house or I could even go to his house, but I’d felt bad about stealing so much of his attention that night when all four of us were supposed to be courting him in hopes of him joining our pack.

Ourpack.Mypack. That night was the first night I’d finally allowed myself to accept the fact these alphas cared about me, that they wanted me as their beta, that this wasn’t a temporary solution until I could get past my trauma enough to leave the house in search of a job and get my own place.

Have you said anything yet?

I smiled downat my phone, rolling onto my stomach and kicking my feet like a teenager.

They’re at work.

You cant tellme theyve been at work for three days straight.

Amir had been coaching me– translation: he was trying to give me the courage to ask the alphas for a few changes to my room since I planned to stay.

Honestly, even if the alphas hadn’t been adamant about me being theirs, their beta, about living here with them and being pack, I would have had a hard time picturing myself anywhere else. With or withoutthe romantic connection, I’d felt more at peace and safer in the few months with them than I had my entire life.

No they havent beenat work three days straight. Smartass.

Talk to them tonight.

Itll be too late.I dont wanna nag them when they worked all night.

After a second ofthose little bubbles dancing, a face palm gif popped up on my phone and made me giggle.

As much as I wished he was here with me, texting like this made me feel…normal. I was a little old for this kind of relationship, but it was something I’d never had the chance to experience in my younger years. My parents had sold me off to Antonio practically the day after I graduated high school. And I sure as hell wasn’t allowed to date before then.

Losing my virginity to someone like Antonio…I’d wondered if I would ever actually enjoy sex with another alpha.

I still wondered that, honestly. It scared me. The thought of Enzo or Ax or even Cyrus losing themselves to their hindbrain, forgetting I was a beta and not built for a knot…

The fact a knot actually caused me pain never stopped Antonio. That was something I’d never told my new alphas. And probably never would. Why dredge up the past when all it would do was make them angry?

Not at me, of course, butforme. Not that it made a difference. Regardless of the fact I knew the three men in my life would never hurt me, my fight or flight actually kicked into gear when an alpha showed even a hint of anger.

Know what thats called?An excuse.

I senthim an emoji with its tongue out.

What about the other thing?

I stareddown at the little conversation bubble and chewed on my bottom lip. He’d been coaching me on how to approach the alphas, how to just walk right up to them and plant a big kiss on their lips. Or to crawl into their bed and seduce them.

No matter what Amir or the alphas said, I still didn’t see myself as sexy. And I sure as hell didn’t see myself as seductive. Where my sister, Cora, had been raised and groomed to serve her alphas, I was more or less an afterthought, even though I was older than my sister and the first-born daughter after four big brothers.

I’d known my parents would arrange my bonding as they had for my beta brothers, but I’d thought they would at least prepare me for life a little better.

Who was I kidding? Cora had been sent off to school for omegas. I’d finished high school after being raised by nannies, then all but forgotten. Most of my memories of life after I’d left my family pack were hazy due to how often Antonio kept me doped to the gills with one sedative or another. I’d even suffered some withdrawals the first few weeks living with Cora and her pack.

Apparently, Amir got tired of waiting for me to respond. My phone vibrated with an incoming FaceTime call.

Unable to wipe the smile from my face, I accepted the call.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he said the moment our faces came onto the screen.