“Girl. I flirt with you nonstop. You’ve literally caught me watching you shower on more than a dozen occasions. Why do you think I hang out in your room so much?”
“I thought…it felt like you saw me as a sister or something?”
“Ew. No. I have sisters and trust me when I say I’ve never once watched them shower or dress nor have I picked out skimpy dresses for them to go out to the club. If I had my way, all four of them would walk around in turtlenecks and snow pants until they were forty. Or longer.”
The bed shook lightly as I giggled.
“You really had no idea we wanted you? As in wanted you in our bed?”
“You’ve never said anything. Or touched me. And yeah, you flirt with me, but you flirt with anyone with a pulse.”
“Oh please. I am not that bad,” he whispered.
“Yes. You are. And if you two are going to fool around, could you do it in another room so I can get some sleep?” Cyrus muttered, his voice scratchy and hoarse with sleep.
My eyes widened and I sucked in a breath a half second before Ax chuckled deeply.
“He’s crabby when he’s horny,” Ax said, no longer whispering.
“Dumb ass,” Cyrus said before hugging me tighter to his chest.
Sure didn’t feel like he wanted me to leave the bed so Ax and I could fool around.
And, even if this embrace wasn’t technically considered sexual, it confirmed what Ax had said. I’d been looking past all the little signs, all the teasing and flirting and ignoring the fact the alphas not only wanted me as a packmate. They wanted me to be their beta romantically.
Cyrus pulled the Land Rover we used when we all needed to ride together – or when Issa was determined to look her best for this first date – onto a long, dirt driveway.
“You sure this is the right place?” Ax asked from the backseat beside Issa.
It had taken every ounce of my control to pretend to be asleep as I’d listened to her whispered conversation with Ax. And I’d had this sick, voyeuristic need to hear them fucking around.
But then Cyrus had gone and opened his big, fucking mouth and they’d both clammed up.
She hadn’t realized we were attracted to her? Did she not see herself when she looked in the mirror?
Issa and Corazon – my brother’s omega – were similar, yet different. Where Corazon was petite and curvy with big tits, a big ass, and wide hips, Issa was a couple inches taller and…shit, that was about where their body differences ended. Issa had amazing tits, wide hips, and a bubble ass that all three of us had ogled more times than she would ever realize.
Both women had thick, dark hair, but Issa’s was growing out from just above shoulder length when we’d met to now past her shoulders. She’d never said as much, but I couldn’t help but wonder whether the shorter cut had been her idea or that shit stain ex alpha of hers.
And no. I didn’t give two fucks that she still carried his bonding mark.
He was nothing. And if he ever dared come near her, dared to lay some fucking claim on her, I would relish in every second of pain I inflicted on him before ending his life.
Corazon had chocolate brown eyes, but Issa’s were closer to the color of honey or fine whiskey. There was no way anyone could look at either woman and not get a boner.
“This is where the GPS said to turn,” Cyrus said, glancing at the digital map on his dash before turning his attention back to the bumpy road.
After a few seconds, the trees gave way to an open expanse of land and a beautiful two-story house. Or rather a barn that had been turned into a house, complete with a covered wrap around porch.
There were chickens roaming the property, a horse walking along a fence line about an acre back, and someone was bent under the hood of a 1963 Thunderbird.
That particular someone was a tall, muscular omega wearing what I could only describe as a sundress. His hair was pulled back in a bun I’d seen both Corazon and Issa wear when they wanted their hair out of their face or couldn’t be bothered to spend any time on their locks.
“Is that Amir?” Issa asked, leaning between our seats to get a better look.