“Something like that,” he said after depositing the boxes into the hatchback and taking his place on my left.

Both Ax and Amir had their fingers twined through mine, resting my hands on their thighs so my arms were spread out. I liked it so much better when we were all piled together on the bed or even the couch.

But I loved their touch, regardless.

Amini and Annalise were outside playing when Enzo pulled the SUV to a spot beside the other vehicles. All three of Amir’s parents were home as well as his sisters being as it was the weekend, and this was a mini family get together.

Unlike the other times when we’d arrived, Amini and Annalise simply raised their heads and looked in our direction with smiles. I’d grown used to them squealing and giggling with joy and running at us the moment we pushed open our doors.

“There’s something else I wanted to tell you. Or rather give you,” Cyrus said.

“Wewanted to give you,” Ax corrected.

I looked from Cyrus to Ax and back. “What do you mean?”

Amir opened his door and stepped out, offering me his hand and leading me to the fence keeping the horses from running loose. Our alphas flanked us on both sides and little feet hit the ground hard as Amir’s two youngest sisters ran to catch up.

“What are we doing?” I asked.

We were here to visit with his parents, yet I was being led to the pasture.

Amir smiled and jerked his head toward where Princess Fancy Pants and Pearl paced and waited to see if we had treats for them.

When I turned my head toward the mares, I realized there were two more horses grazing nearby, one so black it was almost blue, the other a tiny bit smaller and brown with white fur around its legs like socks.

“What…” I couldn’t form the question.

“These are our wedding gifts to the two of you,” Cyrus answered my unspoken question.

“Wedding gifts?” I asked when I struggled to make sense of what he was saying and what I was seeing.

There were only two horses here before. I knew that because I’d asked. I’d ridden with Amir the day he’d proposed to me.

“You get your pick of the two,” Amir said. “The alphas wanted to get us both something and saw how you lit up with the horses.”

“We’ve already hired someone to set up the property with secure fencing, build a barn with stalls, the whole shebang,” Ax said.


The guys exchanged a look.

“You okay, baby girl?” Ax asked, a crooked grin pulling up one side of his lips.

“You got me a horse? You gotushorses? As a wedding gift?”

I felt silly repeating the facts back to them, but I was having a hard time making it all make sense.

Moving closer to the fence, I stared at the two new additions and smiled as they both sauntered over, the smaller of the two making a beeline straight to me and nudging her way past Pearl and Princess to stop directly in front of me as though claiming me.

Just like my alphas had done before I’d acknowledged it.

Tears blurred in my eyes as I lifted my hand and rubbed between her ears.

“What are you going to name her?” Amir asked as he wrapped his arms around me from behind, his chin resting on my shoulder.

“I have no idea,” I said through a watery laugh. “Maybe I’ll let your sisters come up with something.”

“You realize his sisters are the ones who came up with Princess Fancy Pants, right?” Enzo teased.