Then I was being lifted again and placed on a stretcher before being wheeled to the waiting ambulance.
“You can’t all fit in here,” someone said.
My lips twitched in humor as I pictured my alphas trying to crawl into the back of the ambulance with me.
“The motorcycles,” I muttered.
My lids fluttered and I looked into the face of a young male beta donning a paramedic uniform.
“What was that?” he asked, leaning close and turning his head so his ear was close to my mouth.
“They can’t leave their motorcycles. Someone will steal them.”
The paramedic huffed a chuckle and repeated what I said to the alphas.
“Fuck the bikes. I’m not leaving you, baby girl.” That was definitely Ax.
Focusing on our bond, I sent each of them, including Amir who felt as though he was losing his mind, love and comfort. As far as I knew, I would be okay.
Unless of course there was some kind of internal bleeding I was unaware of…or maybe brain damage.
But again, I didn’t feel as though I was seriously injured, just a little shaken up from the chaos of the past thirty or so minutes.
“Oscar?” I asked.
“We don’t know yet. Abdel said he was alive when the ambulance took him away.”
I blew out a sigh of relief.
“You can follow us, but there is no way to fit all three of you in here with us,” the paramedic said, inserting as much authority as he could into his voice.
I had a feeling this poor guy was more than used to dealing with overprotective alphas on his job.
A constant growl filled the interior of the ambulance. I lifted my hand and reached for Ax. His big, warm hand wrapped around mine.
“Go. Meet us there. I’m fine.”
His face filled my vision, blocking anything else.
“Oh. And call Amir and let him know I’m okay. And check on Oscar.”
I blinked rapidly, trying my damnedest to keep my eyes open and on Ax’s face, even when his own beautiful eyes glimmered with tears.
“Why the fuck did you jump out of that car?” he said, his words choked.
I tried to shrug but couldn’t with the way the medics had me strapped to the backboard. “So he wouldn’t ram into you guys when he noticed you chasing after us.”
It sounded completely logical to me at the time, and it still did as I said the words to him.
He could be mad at me later. For now, I desperately wanted to close my eyes and sleep until whatever hurt so badly healed.
Four of us huddled around Issa’s hospital bed, waiting for her to wake up, to open her eyes, to hear her voice.
According to the ER doctors and nurses, she’d only broken two fingers, had a crap load of road rush, and would be extremely bruised.