“They’re going to kill you,” I muttered.

Both alphas scoffed.

“Even if they don’t find me. Even if you kill me and dump me somewhere no one will ever find me, my pack and my sister’s pack will track you down and kill you. Both of you.”

I glanced in the side mirror as though I could see the alpha in the backseat…

But instead caught the distinct single headlight of a motorcycle. Then another.

It wasn’t just one, but three. And they were whipping in and out of traffic, growing closer by the second.

My alphas.

The phone in my pants, the one Amir had shoved back there without Antonio knowing. They had used it to track me and were so damn close.

They could catch up to me but then what? Not like I was some stuntwoman who could jump through the window and onto the back of one of their bikes.

Think, Issa.

I couldn’t bring attention to the fact my alphas were flying up on us. Antonio would intentionally try to hit them or run them off the road. And since they were on two wheels instead of four, they would have nothing to protect them if they were to crash.

Especially since Ax refused to wear a helmet becauseit messed up his hair.

Biting my lower lip, I nearly broke the skin as I worried it and searched the vehicle for…what? What exactly was I looking for? No way in hell would either of these assholes leave any weapons where I could reach them.

There had to be a way to…damn it.

A way to do what?

Distract them. I could distract them. But then what?

I still couldn’t exactly leap from the passenger window and onto the back of one of their bikes or into their arms.

And we were on the highway doing…

I glanced toward the speedometer as discreetly as possible and sighed. He was only doing seventy now instead of the eighty plus he’d been driving at originally.

Did that mean he was so stupid as to think he was in the clear?

Let him think that. If he let his guard down, that would give me and my alphas some way to end this with as little bloodshed and flaming car crashes as possible.

Without turning my head or bringing attention to myself, I let my eyes roam the entirety of the cab, finally landing on the emergency brake between us.

After another quick glance in the side mirror to make sure my alphas weren’t too close but close enough to get to me before Antonio could kill me for what I was about to attempt, I reached down, pulled the e-brake at the same time I threw the car in neutral, then slammed into the dash as the tires began to squeal against the pavement and the smell of burning rubber filled my nose.

While Antonio cursed and struggled to keep the car under control, I lunged for my door, popped the lock and threw the door open.

We were still going entirely too fast, but no way would I stick around to see what my former alpha would do after my little stunt.

The highway was a blur as I stared at it then closed my eyes and threw myself from the passenger seat, immediately wrapping my arms around my head in hopes of minimizing the damage, at least to my head.

Broken bones and road rash would heal – brain damage wouldn’t.

As my body was jostled, rolling and bumping against the asphalt, I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my teeth against the pain tearing through my arms, my legs, my back.

Whether anything was broken, I wasn’t sure, but there was definitely skin being torn away.

Horns blared. Tires squealed as people slammed on their brakes. But I kept my eyes squeezed shut and prayed anyone who might havebeen following us closely didn’t run me over before those three motorcycles made it to me.