And they would rip Antonio to pieces the moment they got their hands on him.
One moment I was wiping away sweat, the next, it felt as though someone had punched a hole through my chest as a fear unlike anything I’d ever experienced blasted through my heart and straight into my bloodstream.
That fear hadn’t come from me. And it sure as fuck hadn’t come from my other two packmates.
Something was wrong. Something was wrong with Issa. She was in danger.
Still shirtless, I sprinted from the dressing room and shouldered Enzo’s door open without bothering to punch in the code the same moment he was racing toward it, his bike key in hand.
“Issa!” I barked out, swiping my own key from his desk.
Neither of us sought Cyrus. He would have felt the same terror we had felt. He would be on his way to the Harleys parked out back.
People cursed and screeched as we shoved them out of the way in our hurry to get outside and on the road.
We had no idea where she was, but we had to get to her.
“It’s Abdel,” Cyrus yelled as he ran through the backdoor. “She’s on the move. Amir put his phone in her pants. He’s tracking it now.”
There was a grim look on his face, and I feared what that look meant. But for now, all I could focus on was getting to my girl.
I could not fail her.
I could not fucking lose her.
Cyrus’s eyes were unfocused as he looked across the parking lot and listened to the guard on the other line.
My patience snapped.
More like exploded into tiny cinders on the wind.
“Fuck! Where?” I yelled, the sound echoing off the brick building and asphalt parking lot.
“Pull up the app,” Cyrus said as he jogged across the space between us and threw a leg over his own bike. “She’s on the move. On the highway heading north. Not more than twenty minutes from here.”
Twenty minutes my ass.
With the bikes and the lack of heavy traffic, we could close the distance in no time. We just had to avoid getting smeared on the highway in the meantime.
Not bothering to wait for my packmates, I pulled up the tracking app connected to all our phones and pinpointed Amir’s. Issa’s was at the house, meaning that fucker had taken her phone away.
But our omega must have foreseen exactly what he would do and made sure there was a way we could track her once she was driven away from our property.
After tonight, there was as a very high probability I would demand both Amir and Issa had some form of device inserted into their skin or maybe under a crown in their teeth.
Anything to be able to keep an eye on them in case something like this happened again.
Our pack might not have made enemies like Bain’s, but he was still family. Meaning someone could come after our beta and our omega to get to them.
Or some asshole could simply try to steal one of them away for no other reason than their own sick motives.
The vibrations below me and the wind whipping across my bare chest, shoulders and arms, and sending my hair behind me did nothing to distract me from my single-minded focus.
And that focus was getting my beta back and killing Antonio.