We didn’t have a gate surrounding our property or loads of guards walking the perimeter. It was just Oscar and Abdel protecting us.
Oh no. Oscar.
My heart thumped painfully as my eyes darted from Antonio, to Oscar, to Abdel’s gun pointing at my former alpha, then back again.
“Which do you want to die first?” Antonio asked.
“You pull that trigger, you fucking die,” Abdel growled out as his alpha hormones filled the cab with strong pulses of burned rubber and something spicy like cayenne.
“Which of the two are you willing to sacrifice first? I might die, but you’ll have to bury the omega or the beta, as well.”
Trembles started in my roiling stomach and worked their way tomy fingertips and toes. My vision blurred with fear and the tears that welled in my eyes.
He was here for me. And he was threatening to kill my omega. He’d already killed Oscar and the alpha was only doing as he’d been paid to do, keep the two of us safe.
This was my fault. All of it. The big guard’s death, the gun pointed at Amir, the drama that had occurred at The Vault.
And all because I’d dared to build a normal life with men I’d fallen in love with.
“Stop!” I screamed when Antonio positioned the gun until it was pointed at Amir’s head. “What do you want? Tell me and it’s yours,” I promised.
Even if it meant handing myself over to him. Even if it meant sacrificing myself to keep my omega, my fiancé safe and alive.
“Get out,” Antonio said, his voice deceptively calm. “Now.”
“Don’t you fucking move,” Abdel said, never peeling his eyes from Antonio or lowering his gun the slightest.
He needed to calm down before he got Amir hurt. No way would Antonio simply shoot and kill me here and now. He wouldn’t get the revenge he wanted if he killed me then Abdel killed him.
Oscar moved, the slightest twitch of his arm that laid limp on the seat. I sent up a prayer he wasn’t dead. Not that he could help in his condition.
But I didn’t want the death of someone on my heart, even if I would only feel the guilt for a short period before Antonio was done with me.
Amir was behind me, his scent bitter with anger and fear. But I could feel his hand against the small of my back, could feel him slowly moving and shoving something into the waistline of my jeans.
It was hard and plastic and a little cool. His phone, maybe? Why was he sliding his phone into my pants? He would need that the moment Antonio dragged me away.
Blowing the bonds wide open, I sent every ounce of fear and dreadto my alphas, doing the only thing I could for now to let them know we were in danger.
But the club wasn’t nearly close enough and they wouldn’t have been on their way home being as it was still early in the evening.
At the realization that no one would get to us on time, I flooded the bonds with every ounce of love I felt for all four of them. I wanted them to carry that with them long after I was gone. I wanted them to move on, to maybe one day find another beta who needed their love and care as much as I had.
“I’m not going to count. Either get your skinny ass out here or watch your omega die.”
“No!” I screamed out and began to scramble away from Amir, struggling to undo my seatbelt with shaky hands.
“Beta Rivera–” Abdel started, but I cut him off.
“Protect my omega,” I said.
“Leave your fucking phone,” Antonio said as I tugged away from Amir’s arms and pushed my door open.
Reaching into my purse, I started to pull it free, but he snatched the bag from my trembling hands and tossed it onto the seat, his gun still aimed at Amir’s head. All it would take was one twitch of his finger and my entire world would crumble.
His hand curled around my bicep and yanked me away from the open door before I was pushed toward the back of the vehicle. Another set of arms banded around mine, locking them to my side.