“My mom offered their house and property, but I told her we hadn’t made any decisions,” Amir said before releasing a jaw cracking yawn.
“You two need to get some rest,” Enzo said, finally speaking up from his place on the other side of Issa.
“Why? You three are the ones working to support all of us,” Issa said, wiggling against him.
He raised a hand and swatted her ass hard enough to earn a surprised yelp.
“It’s temporary. And I think I can speak for everyone when I say we’re content with you and Amir being naked and fucking when we get home. Gives us even more to look forward to,” I said, attempting to wedge myself between Issa and Enzo and settling for resting my head on her thigh.
I supposed I could always move to the other side and spoon Amir through the night. But I was still awake, damn it. And the other four were sinking into the mattress, their eyes closed, their bodies relaxed.
For a second, I toyed with the idea of playing with one or all of them the second they fell asleep, wake each of them up with my dick. But Enzo was right – we all needed our rest. I’d just have to count sheep.
Or maybe I’d count how many orgasms we each had during Amir’s last heat.
Damn it. That did nothing but make me hard as granite.
Eventually, my mind began to slow enough that I was able to picture how our omega and beta would look all dressed up for their wedding. I hadn’t yet asked whether we would be allowed to participate in the ceremony, but just like with every aspect of our relationship, I’d leave that decision up to Issa. She deserved nothing short of controlling her own fucking life.
Right. Like she’s controlling her life now.
Like we reminded her on a regular basis, this was all temporary. But fuck…we still hadn’t caught a single sniff of that cocksucker, Antonio.
Amir and Issa agreed on a date just over a year from now, so I could only hope this shit would be resolved by then.
Fuck, Enzo’s brother had his own people looking for him, scouringstreetlight and security cameras, searching for any form of electronic or paper trail.
Nothing. Fucking nothing. How the hell was someone like him, someone who craved money and power able to stay off the radar? No way in hell was he living off grid like a homesteader or some shit.
As my brain chased my thoughts like a dog chasing its tail, sleep finally dragged me under.
The next time my system went back online, the mattress jostled below me, and my dick jumped to attention at the prospect of sex going on inches from me.
And was severely let down.
It was only Cyrus climbing from the almost empty bed. Apparently, we were the last two to wake up after our late night of fun. And honestly, I could have slept a little longer after staying awake close to two hours longer than everyone else.
“What time is it?” I croaked out as Cyrus shuffled toward the door, his bare ass on full display.
Damn…when was the last time the two of us had fucked around. Now that Issa was not only willing but loved having sex with us, the two of us hadn’t felt the need to seek our release with each other. Didn’t mean I wasn’t still highly attracted to the levelheaded and sweet natured alpha.
“Just after eleven,” he said, glancing back at me and smirking when he caught me ogling his ass.
“Love you, Cy.”
“Love you, Ax,” he said before stepping from the room.
I needed a shower but really wasn’t ready to wash the scents of my pack from my skin. Amir’s chocolate and strawberries mixed so beautifully with Issa’s warm, comforting sun-dried linen. Enzo and Cyrus were there, too, though a little faint since I’d spent my time fucking and pleasuring our omega and beta.
Sitting up, I threw my legs over the side of the bed and rolled my neck and shoulders. My muscles were tight and tired, but I had to work tonight. I needed to get in a workout, needed to eat, needed to practice the new choreography.
I was only in one group performance tonight. I had convinced the other guys to start doing solos to showcase their specific talents. It was a shame to see their skills go to waste by getting lost in the group dances.
Searching through the pile of clothes on the floor, I snatched my boxer briefs up and dragged them over my ass before leaving the room in search of copious amounts of caffeine and food. Normally, I would have worked out before eating breakfast or drinking any coffee, but my brain and body were equally exhausted.
Would missing one workout really be that big a deal?
Eh. There were other ways to get my heart pumping and my muscles straining. Better, more fun ways.