“Are you keeping Cora on lockdown, too?”
A growl rumbled over the line. “Fuck yes. But I don’t let her leave the house without guards, anyway. Too many enemies would love to use my omega against me, against us.”
“Good point.” Propping my feet up on the desk, I tilted my head against the seat rest until I was staring at the ceiling. “My girl is getting…depressed. She wants to go back to work.”
“Not a good idea,” Bain said.
“Yeah, I know. Our omega’s fathers sent over one of their guys, too.”
Bain went quiet for a second then huffed a laugh. “I’m surprised Ghazi Khalid didn’t send over a full army to protect his son.”
Of course, my brother would have done some research on Amir’s family. Since Issa and Cora were rebuilding – or finally building – a relationship, he wanted to make sure his omega and son were safe anytime they visited our house.
“We’ll keep digging. I’ll find that motherfucker—”
“You get him after we get our pound of flesh,” I said, interrupting my big brother.
He chuckled, the sound deep and dark. “I’ll try to keep Cohl in check, but I can’t promise anything.”
And then he ended the call.
Shit. I’d hoped Bain had at least found a way to put a tracker on Antonio or had figured out a way to keep an eye on his movements. I wanted to know where he was and what he was doing at all times. I wanted to know whether he’d planned on fucking with my girl any further or if Ax going all berserker on him in the crowded bar had been enough to scare him off.
Pulling up the cameras at home, I checked through the feeds to find an empty house. Then I shot off a text to the guard my brother had sent and received a confirmation they were still at Pack Khalid’sand were currently celebrating the engagement of our beta and omega.
I smiled as I pictured the way Amir’s beautiful and outwardly loving mom would be shoving food at them and begging to be part of the planning.
We didn’t need any financial help, but I was sure Issa would love to have an actual mother figure who’d gush over her, help her choose a gown, flowers, and all the other shit that came with a bonding ceremony.
Not a bonding ceremony – awedding. They would have a wedding as though they were two betas who’d fallen in love and wanted to be legally bound.
Tossing my phone back onto my desk, I focused on my computer, running through the open spreadsheets.
Or I tried to focus.
It was virtually impossible to disappear anymore, especially in the states. It was absolutely impossible to disappear from my brother’s reach.
Yet Antonio had done exactly that. He was a fucking ghost. More like a demon biding his time until he could terrorize Issa again.
As I stared at the computer screen without actually seeing the numbers, my phone dinged with an incoming message.
Heading home.
Attached wasa picture of Amir and Issa snuggled in the back seat, wearing matching grins, with Issa’s left hand held up and showcasing the ring we’d all already seen.
A few minutes later, Ax and Cyrus stepped into my office, smiles on their faces. “You get it, too?” Cyrus asked.
I turned my phone to show the picture.
“I was wondering when he’d finally go through with it,” Cyrus said.
“You think he was nervous? No way she would have said no,” Axsaid.
I shook my head. “Nah. He’s a romantic at heart. A true omega. He wanted it to be perfect for Issa.”
Ax and Cyrus lowered into the chairs across from me and all three of us stared down at our phones.
“We’re a strange pack,” Ax muttered.