“I’m bored,” I lied. Orhalflied. Because Iwasbored. “Can we go to your parents’ house and ride the horses? If they’re rideable.” I chewed on my bottom lip. “Is that the right phrasing? It sounded weird when I said it.”
He chuckled and stretched until he could reach my lips, pressing a kiss to them. “Yes. That’s the right word. And as long as the guards are willing to escort us, we can absolutely go ride Princess Fancy Pants and Pearl. I’m sure my mom would love to see you again.”
It was the middle of the day in the middle of the week, so his sisters would be in school. Although we could always stick around for a while to visit with them, too. After growing up nearly resenting my only sister, it was nice to be able to form bonds with the girls.
“Should you call her first? Make sure it’s okay?” Because he officially lived here now. Surely, his parents would want to know if one of their adult children planned to pop by their house.
“Seriously? No, I don’t need to call and ask if I can visit my horse or my mom. She’ll be fucking thrilled.”
Excitement at the prospect of leaving the house for something other than eating dinner with my pack bubbled up in my chest. “Oh my gosh! I’m calling Enzo to make sure it’s okay. Will you check with the guards to see if they’ll take us?”
“I know my fathers’ man will. I’ll ask Bain’s guy, too.”
He pushed to his feet to go talk to the guards at the front and back doors, and I hit Enzo’s number on my phone.
“You okay?” he asked as a greeting.
“Amir and I want to go horseback riding at his family’s house. He’s asking the guards now. Is that okay?”
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to ask to leave the house as long as one of the guards go with you. We’re not trying to keep you on lockdown or some shit. Just trying to keep you safe until we find Antonio.”
“I know.” But those voices in my head sometimes were louder than my alphas’.
“I can feel that, you know,” he said, his tone softer. “Stop doubting us, beta. We love you and want you to be safe. That’s it. When this shit is over and Antonio is no longer breathing the same air as you, you’re free to return to the club or work wherever the hell you want. But we can’t risk losing you. Either of you.”
“I love you, too,” I sighed over the line, those squishy, warm tendrils slithering down the thread of our bond.
“That’s better,” he said, and I could picture him rubbing the heel of his hand against the middle of his chest as he often did when a rush of emotions came from me or Amir. I wasn’t sure whether it was still an unfamiliar feeling or if he simply enjoyed having our souls so entwined; he could feel us with him no matter how much distance was between us. “Text me when you get to his mom’s, when you’re leaving, and when you get back home.”
I sighed and dropped my head against the cushion again.
“Sweetheart, it’s temporary.”
“I know. That’s what Amir keeps saying.”
“Because it is. You know the three of us would never force anything on you.”
Of course, they wouldn’t. They’d all hidden their feelings from me, their desire to bond me as their beta because they were waiting for me to make the first move, to indicate when I was ready for more than the easy friendship we’d built over the first few months.
“Have fun. Please be careful. Keep us updated. Love you, beautiful,” he said, his deep voice so warm and delicious.
“I love you, too. And thank you.”
It was his turn to sigh. “Why does this feel like we’ve taken several steps back? You don’t have to thank me for anything, especially something as simple as enjoying the day with our omega.”
A smile tugged at my lips, and I sent a rush of affection down thebond.
“Damn, I love that.”
I ended the call before we could get into another round ofI love youand reassurances from my alpha. Because, as much as the current situation sucked, I knew everyone was right – this was temporary.
I would just have to be patient and then I could return to the club, Amir and I could leave the house without an armed escort, and the five of us would go back to living happily ever after.
Amir’s momhad been overjoyed when she spotted us climbing out the back of the SUV. She’d even made the guards come into the house to eat while Amir and I climbed onto the backs of the horses.
He had demanded I ride Pearl, warning me that Princess Fancy Pants was spoiled and could be rank at times. And yeah, I had totally had to ask what the hell he’d meant by the horse being rank. Apparently, horse lovers used that term and the rest of us were left clueless.
We were currently sitting on the backs of the mares as they casually walked through a heavily wooded path. It was obvious by how worn it was that this path had been used hundreds of times. But I loved looking up and around, watching birds and other critters go from limb to limb or forage along the forest floor for a meal.