“What kind of presents?” he asked, a purr wrapped around his words.
Enzo reached down and pulled him off Issa by a hand wrapped in the back of his shirt.
“We fucked on your beds,” she said with the sexiest fucking giggle.
“Well, we fucked and sucked and licked and–”
Ax sprinted away before I could finish my sentence, his feet thundering up the stairs, though I had a feeling he was taking them two at a time.
“Holy shit,” Ax called out.
“What did you two do?” Enzo asked, his thick arms crossed over his chest, but an affectionate smile graced that ruggedly beautiful face.
“I told you. We left you presents.”
Thundering steps heralded Ax’s return. “They came all over my room.”
“Not all over your room. Just by the dresser,” Issa said with another giggle.
She seriously looked and sounded drunk from all the orgasms I’d forced from her petite body. And there had been no more of those pesky small sneakers.
Nope. I’d made damn sure she had several mind-melting, toe-curling, earth-shattering orgasms before we’d ended up in a boneless sprawl of limbs on the floor.
“We figured since you three decided we were on lockdown, we’d make sure you remembered how important it was for you to return home as soon as possible every night.” I folded my arms under my head, using what little energy I had left.
“We already come home to you as soon as possible,” Cyrus said.
Enzo bent at the knees and scooped Issa into his arms to carry her to the pack bed in my room since that was where we tended to congregate most often.
When Cyrus lowered his hand and offered me help to my feet, Ax lowered and tossed me over his shoulder like a damn firefighter carrying me from a burning house.
His broad back and tight ass were in perfect view as I chuckled the entire way up the stairs and down the hall.
“I love you, but I don’t think I can go another round tonight.” Though my dick was already awakening against Ax’s firm chest.
“Don’t worry. You can lie like a log while I suck and fuck you both until I look as lust drunk as the two of you.” Ax smacked my bare ass, a punctuation to his sentence or maybe a promise of what was to come as I lifted my head to watch Cyrus swing the door closed to my room.
Just because I didn’t think I could physically move didn’t mean I wasn’t down for another round of pleasure.
Who was I to deny my alphas anything?
Ax had made good on his promise to let Amir and me lay back while he tended to us in the most delicious way possible. He’d licked or sucked us, then fucked each of us through yet another orgasm before shooting his release across our bodies then rubbing it in like his own private line of skin moisturizer.
And as amazing as that day had been, I was back to being bored as yet another week passed where I wasn’t allowed to return to work. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t keep all those voices from my past from echoing in my head, reminding me I was nothing, that my alphas controlled every aspect of my life, that my every action, every decision, and my future was in their hands.
I knew it wasn’t true. Of course I did. But that didn’t keep my mother’s and fathers’ voices from chattering in my head like a herd of demons.
“It’s temporary,” Amir said to me for the millionth time since thatnight Enzo had laid down the law and ordered the two of us to stick around the house with the guards watching over us.
“I know.”
“So why do you look so damn…defeated?”
I dropped my head against the cushion and pulled my feet from where they’d been resting on his lap. He didn’t like that and dragged them right back, wrapping his hands around my ankles to keep them in place.