“No. There’s no use arguing. We’re going in together.” I barge out of the car, and Aleksander has no choice but to follow me. He said he wanted a challenge when it came to marrying me. Well, this is his first lesson—I’m not going down without a fight.

And I’m most definitely not waiting in the car while Mila could be getting sold right at this very moment.

“Just stay silent,” he says, grabbing my arm. “These men are in the business of buying women. If you start sassing them, they won't take too kindly to it. You need to be silent on my arm. Understood?”

“Fine,” I mutter. I can do that. For Mila.

We approach the door, which is guarded by a bouncer. “Ticket,” he says in a gruff voice.

Aleksander pats his pockets. “I seem to have lost mine at home.”

“No ticket, not getting in.”

“That’s all right. I’ll just do this.” Within a blink of an eye, Aleksander swings his arm out and lands a solid punch to the guard’s face, knocking him over. Throwing a few more punches, he knocks the guard solidly out.

“Nice work,” I say.


“But I abhor violence.” I toss my hair over my shoulder and walk inside. Aleksander only shakes his head and follows. We’re confronted by two more guards waiting just inside the little foyer area.

“I work for Mikhail Ivanov,” Aleksander says. “You would do best to get out of my way.”

The two men share a look and motion Aleksander forward.

But they stop me from progressing.

“She’s with me,” Aleksander says.

“No women allowed.”

That’s ironic, considering they’re selling women just beyond this door.

Aleksander loops his arm around my shoulders. “I like to show her off. I take her everywhere with me.”

“Unless you want to put her up for auction, she’s not going inside,” one of the guards says.

“Then put me up for auction,” I say.

“Viktoriya,” Aleksander warns under his breath.

I give him a look. He knows we need to save Mila. I will do whatever it takes to do that.

He stares at me for a moment before he nods. “All right. Put her up for auction.”

“You need to go around back for that.”

Aleksander grabs my arm and leads me out of the building. “Are you insane? I’m not selling you, Viktoriya.”

“Good. That lets me know you’re not like Gleb. This is just for Mila’s sake. Besides, if we go in the back way, maybe you can fight the guards back there and save Mila.”

“I’m flattered you think I’m Superman, but I can only take on so many men at once.”

“Then, good thing you have me at your side.” I flash him a smile and start walking around the building.

“You don’t know how to fight.”

“Then, it’s a good thing I have you at my side.”