“I will.” He takes my hand in his. “I promise. But you know it’s not your job to tell me what to do. I’ve been in charge for years, Sofiya. I can handle a little pest like Gleb.”

I know he can. That’s why I trust him.

That’s why I love him.

I’m settling into the bed when I hear a creaking sound from the hallway. Mikhail and I both sit up and share a look.

“I’ll check it out,” he says.

“I’ll check on Mila.” I hurry past him before he can stop me.

The hallway is empty. So, what caused that sound?

I open Mila’s door and look inside, only to have the fright of my life. Mila’s bed is empty, and her window is wide open. We’re on the top floor. The only way out is down.

No one could survive from that height.

I rush to the window and look out. Her body isn’t at the bottom, which is a good sign.

But that also meant she escaped, and I know Mila. She has no desire to leave the safety of our house.

Which means …

“Mikhail,” I say, turning to go to him, but he’s already in the room. “Gleb.”

He nods, knowing exactly what I mean.


I get the call late in the night that Mila is missing.

Gleb took her.

“We have to go save her,” I say, getting out of bed. I don’t look at Aleksander’s naked chest as he gets up as well. Now is not the time to have confusing feelings for my husband.

I need to save my baby sister.

“No.” He takes the phone from me.

“What? Aleksander?—”

“I will save her. I will find her.”

“How are you going to find her?”

“I found you, didn’t I?” He starts slipping his clothes on.

“That was because I made it easy. But who knows where Gleb would have taken—” I stop again. “Oh my god. He might have taken her to the auction. He told me he wanted to marry me, but he also needed money. He’s greedy. A gambler. He might want more.”

“Do you know where this auction took place?”

“No. It was a building. I wouldn’t be able to pick it out of a lineup. But … I would know the location when I saw it. You have to let me come with you, just in case. I need to do this, Alek. She’s my sister.”

He blinks and slowly smiles. “You called me Alek.”


“It was the first time.”