The reason? Because I think he may be right.

I rush away before I can cry.

Sofiya invites Aleksander and me over to her house. I know what she’s doing—she wants to check in on me, probably to make sure I’m not screwing everything up.

I don’t understand how I’m under the control of my younger sister. I’m the oldest. I should be the one controlling everything.

“Don’t say anything to embarrass me,” I tell Aleksander as we head to the penthouse.

“I don’t want to embarrass you, Viktoriya. I just want you to start letting go.”

“To you? Never.” I knock on the door, and their housekeeper, Diana, answers.

“You’re here!” Mila says, rushing over and hugging me. I wince.

“Still a little in pain.”

“Sorry. I just missed you.”

“I’ve only been gone for a week,” I remind her.

“I know. But you’ve been in my life every day. It was strange not having you around. When Sofiya married, I still had you.”

Now, she has no one.

Sofiya and Mikhail come out of the kitchen to greet us. “How’s married life so far?” Sofiya asks, not hugging me, I notice.

“Boring,” I say.

Aleksander huffs and walks over to Mikhail.

“Trouble in paradise?” Sofiya asks me in a quieter voice.

“There was no paradise to begin with, so there’s no trouble. I just can't stand Aleksander. That’s all.” I can’t stand the way he touched me. The way he almost kissed me.

The way I almost let myself get lost in him.

Aleksander is not worthy of me and never will be.

“I hope it gets better,” Mila says. “I don’t want you to be miserable forever.”

A knock on the door makes me jump.

“Did you invite other guests?” I ask.

“No,” Sofiya says, frowning,

Diana opens the door, and …

Gleb strolls right on in.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Aleksander snarls. Mikhail places his hand on Aleksander’s chest, holding him back.

Gleb looks between all of us until his gaze finally settles on Mila. “I’m here to take what’s mine. Mila, let’s go.”

Mila freezes, her eyes wide like Bambi's. “What?”

“I was instructed to make sure you were taken care of after Boris died. Seeing as you don’t have a husband, I’m still in charge of you. I’m taking you with me back to New York.”