“I think having someone to keep you safe is what’s best for you.”

I can’t exactly argue with that.

But I can’t do what Sofiya is suggesting. I can’t put aside my dreams for a man.

And I worry all Aleksander wants is to keep me under his thumb.

I’m not a woman who bows down to any man. What will happen to me when I’m married to a man who wants to make me kneel for him?

The wedding takes place in a grand, ornate church. Not what I would have chosen. I dreamed of having my wedding outside in a beautiful garden or at an elegant hotel. Not some gaudy church.

Sofiya and Mila help me out of the car, which is humiliating. I should be able to stand on my own. It feels like the entire world is trying to humble me.

“I’ll walk you down the aisle,” Mikhail says, giving me his arm. “You don’t have a father to do it, so it needs to be me.”

Begrudgingly, I take his arm and let him walk me inside. Mila and Sofiya go ahead and take their seats in the pews.

“So, I’m sure you’re glad to be selling me off,” I mutter.

Mikhail sighs. “I’m not going to argue with you right now. And I’m not selling you off. You’re marrying Aleksander.”

“It feels like the same thing.”

Shaking his head, he pushes the doors open. Before me is the grand church with a large group of people all in the pews. Vera and her friends are still here and have come to the wedding. I don’t remember inviting them. They’re going to judge my bruised face. It won’t matter if I explain what happened. They’ll find a way to blame me.

What happened to me was humiliating. I was literally sold to a man. None of this was supposed to happen.

None of this was supposed to happen tome. Other people? Fine. I don’t care. But me? My life was supposed to be perfect. All of this is far from perfect.

Aleksander waits for me at the end of the aisle, standing next to a priest in a very gaudy outfit. His smile is smug, which makes everything worse. He thinks he owns me now.

I’m marrying a man who grew up in the slums.

My father would be so disappointed.

I hear snickering as I walk down the aisle. Glancing to the left, I see Vera giggling with her friends. I could slap her. I’ve killed a man now. I’m capable of anything.

But I also know how to compose myself, and right now, I need to be the picture of perfection, even if everything else is falling apart.

I reach the end, and Mikhail hands me over to Aleksander as if he has the right to do it. It was my father’s right, but he’s gone now.

Aleksander takes my hand in his and makes me stand before him. “You’re wearing the dress I chose.”

“It was a beautiful dress. It had nothing to do with you.”

He doesn’t reply, but his smile says it all—he doesn’t believe me.

The ceremony takes place in Russian, so I’m completely at a loss. Aleksander guides me through it, and I hate being at his mercy. He’s the one with all the knowledge. He could use it to hurt me.

I’m barely hanging on by a thread. I can’t take another betrayal.

Soon, the ceremony ends. I don’t even have to say, “I do.” Aleksander and I don’t even kiss.

That’s something, at least. I think I would rather throw up again than let Aleksander put his lips on mine. His lips may look soft, but he isnotkissable.

The guests follow us outside, where a limo waits for us.

“Come along, Viktoriya,” Aleksander says, drawing me closer to the limo. I know the moment I step foot inside it, my life is over. Aleksander will completely and fully own me.