He pauses. “What?”

“Don’t beat him up. Not right now. I can’t … I can’t take it right now.”

Aleksander’s eyes grow soft for just a moment before he nods. “Fine. Sofiya, do you have rope?”

“There’s some in the kitchen.”

“Go get it.”

With a last look at me, she hurries to the kitchen. After a few seconds, she comes back with rope. Aleksander uses it to tie Gleb up to a chair.

“There.” He steps back. “At least he can’t escape. Did you honestly think you would just get to live here without consequences after what you did?”

“I … never thought you would find her,” Gleb admits, bowing his head.

“You fucking bastard,” I hiss.

“Get him out of here,” Sofiya says. “Vik needs to rest. We’ll deal with Gleb later.”

Aleksander drags Gleb and the chair out of the room. At least I feel like I can breathe again.

“We had no idea,” Mila says, still stroking my hair. “No idea.”

Sofiya meets my eyes. “I’m sorry, Vik. For fighting.”

“That doesn’t matter now. I’ll be honest, I didn’t think either of you would miss me.”

“Don’t throw yourself a pity party,” Sofiya says.

I manage to smile despite my pain.

Mikhail returns as the doctor arrives. Without wasting a moment, Mikhail draws Sofiya into a hug as if she were the one who was hurt. I’m … jealous. Not for Mikhail. I’m jealous because I don’t have anyone who cares for me like that.

After inspecting me, the doctor lets me know I have a cracked rib and a bruised jaw but nothing else. They’ll both heal on their own in time.

He leaves soon after.

This will set me back even more from dance. Life is playing a cruel joke on me.

“Let’s get you to bed,” Mila says.

Aleksander walks over and scoops me back into his arms.

“Were you worried?” I ask him as he carries me upstairs.

“I was.”

“I thought you hated me. Why would you be worried?”

He sets me down on my bed gently. It’s so different from how he spanked me. “Because I don’t hate you, Viktoriya.”

“But you want to control me.”

“No. I want to give you what you need.”

“And that’s you?”

“Get some sleep.” He turns the light off, plunging me into darkness, as he leaves the room.