
I raise an eyebrow, and even that hurts. “Good?”

“He deserved it.”

“You wouldn’t buy a woman, then?”

“No. I want her to choose me.”

“But you wanted to force me into a marriage with you until I chose Gleb. How is that any different?”

Aleksander doesn’t look away at all. “That’s because I know I’m what you need. I’m still what you need. If you don’t take a husband, Viktoriya, you will continue to be at risk. I’m going to be that husband for you. I can make sure you’re taken care of.”

I flinch. That’s exactly what Gleb said to me, and he sold me to the highest bidder. What if Aleksander is the same? I know he’s capable of spanking me without remorse. What else is he capable of?

“Let me get you inside, and I’ll call for the doctor.”

I let him pick me up again and take me to the penthouse where Sofiya and Mila are waiting.

“Vik!” Mila says, rushing to my side.

Aleksander places me on the couch, then pulls out his phone, walking to the other side of the room to call the doctor.

Mila and Sofiya crowd in next to me.

“Oh, Vik,” Sofiya says sadly. “What happened?”

“Mikhail didn’t tell you?” Using my bruised jaw to talk is not easy.

“No. We haven’t heard a thing.” Sofiya rests her hand on my shoulder before she lets her hand fall to her side. “Someone hurt you. Who? What happened? Gleb says you went off together, and then you ran away.”

I try to laugh, but it comes out as more of a wheeze. “I left with him, yeah. But then he sold me at an auction to a man who bought me for five million.”

Sofiya goes very still. “What? I can’t … Are you being serious?”

“I’m in so much pain right now, so yes, I think I’m being serious.”

Mila covers her mouth with her hands. “Vik. Oh my god.”

Aleksander walks back over, slipping his phone in his pocket. “The doctor is on his way. I would take you to the hospital, but I don’t want anyone asking more questions than they need to.”

“I killed a man tonight,” I say more casually than I mean to.

“Please tell me that’s a joke,” Sofiya says.

“Not one bit. Akim bought me, then he tried to rape me, so I killed him. Then his guards did this to me.” I point at my face. “It’s been a lovely night.”

“Don’t be sarcastic right now,” Mila says, stroking her hand over my hair. “We thought you’d run away. I never thought …”

“Me either,” Sofiya adds. She turns to Aleksander. “Gleb is still here.”

Aleksander’s eyes darken. “I’m on it.” He rushes up the stairs, and within moments, he drags Gleb into the living roomand shoves him to the floor. “Did you seriously think you could get away with what you did?” He kicks Gleb in the stomach. It only reminds me of what Scar Guard did to me.

“I needed the money,” Gleb groans.

“The money.” Aleksander scoffs. “You’re done.” He lifts his foot back up.

“Don’t,” I say.