“Can I?”

Her words are a slap to my face. “Of course, you can.”

Mila nods once and starts to shut the door. “I need to practice my steps, remember?” She closes the door before I can get another word in.

Something is going on, and I don’t like it.

Everything will be fine once I’m married. That’s what’s important. My marriage. Me happy.

Everything else will fall into place.

The engagement party happens sooner than I want it to, but there’s no use being upset now. I need to show my guests that any man would want me. Mainly, I need to show Vera and her other ladies.

Vera texted me last night, letting me know she, Darya, Olga, and Jasmine had all made it into the city. I texted a smiley face back—not meaning it at all.

Mikhail’s penthouse has been transformed into a swanky party with waiters delivering bite-sized foods and glasses of champagne. A lot of the guests are men Gleb invited—men I’ve never met before.

As I walk down the stairs, my eyes land on Aleksander. Of course, he’s here. He’s always just right …there. Annoying me. Making me doubt everything.

He’s wearing a navy suit, and it looksgoodon him. The color brings out the darkness of his hair and the blue of his eyes. He’s striking—not that I would ever tell him that.

I’m wearing one of my best dresses: a deep red evening gown I know makes me look like a Hollywood starlet. All the eyes in the room turn to me as I descend the stairs. I resist looking in Aleksander’s direction and keep my eyes locked on Gleb at the foot of the stairs. He also looks good in his dark suit.

Just not as good as Aleksander.

“You’re stunning,” Gleb tells me, capturing my hand in his.

“I know. but I always appreciate a compliment.”

His lips thin out momentarily before his easy smile crosses his face. “Shall we mingle? It is our party, after all.”

“I love a party that celebrates me.”

“Viktoriya,” a high-pitched voice calls out. Grimacing, I turn to Vera and plaster a quick smile onto my face.

“You made it,” I say to her.

“I did.” She gives me air kisses. “I brought all the ladies with me.” Darya, Olga, and Jasmine approach as if on cue. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

“Having a fiancé is a good look for you. Brings out the natural beauty in your face.” She waggles her fingers toward my face, and I resist the urge to slap her hand away. “Being single was not a good look for you, honey.”

I grab a champagne glass as a waiter walks by and take a large gulp. “Well, I’m not single any longer. In fact, I had multiple men wanting to marry me. One of my other prospects was just over there.” I point at Aleksander. “Him.”

Vera raises an eyebrow. “Him? Wow, he’s definitely handsome. If only I’d met him before I met my husband.” That gets a laugh from her friends.

It only makes me grind my teeth harder together.

“She chose me in the end,” Gleb says, slipping my arm through his. I try to pull away, but he doesn’t let me.

Vera eyes Gleb over. “You’re a handsome man. Viktoriya could have done worse.”

Gleb frowns. “I work with your husband, Vera. We’ve met before.”

“Have we?” She shares another laugh with her ladies. “Oh, well. It was nice talking to you, but Viktoriya was just going to share how it felt to finally find a man.”

“I was?”