“Vik, please,” she says harshly. Mila never uses a harsh tone—never.
I force myself to sit up and listen to her. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m worried that … he’ll be like Boris. I’m worried that he wants more than … friendship.”
“With you?”
“Yes.” Her hair bounces around her shoulders as she nods.
I look at Mila more closely. “Mila, Gleb wants to marry me. He has made that very clear. You’re safe from him. Now, go back to bed.”
“I’m just …”
“Ugh. What?”
She flinches back. “Nothing. I’ll … go.”
“Mila,” I groan. “Tell me.”
She’s blinking rapidly and won’t meet my eyes. “I think he wants what Boris wanted from me.”
“No,” I say slowly. “Gleb wants to marry me. He doesn’t want you.” For once, a man wants me and not my sisters. I will not let Gleb reject me for Mila the way Mikhail rejected me for Sofiya. I deserve a husband. I deserve the world.
I deserve to dance, but I don’t get to have it, while Mila gets to have everything.
Mila nods. “You’re probably right. I just got … scared for some reason.”
“It’s ok. Now, go back to bed.”
“Ok.” Mila looks at me like she’s trying to get me to say something, but I don’t give her anything. I’m tired and cranky. “Ok.” Finally, she gets up and leaves the room.
I settle back into my bed and am almost asleep when my door bursts open, and Sofiya walks in, Mila behind her. “Oh my god!” I startle awake, sitting up in bed. “What’s going on?”
“Mila told me her concerns about Gleb,” Sofiya says. “She also said you wouldn’t listen to her.”
“I did listen to her, and I told her not to worry. He doesn’t want her. He wants me.”
“But what if he does want her? Boris wanted her.”
“Boris also wanted me first, then you, and when he didn’t get either of us, he set his sights on Mila. So, I’m not worried. I’ve agreed to marry Gleb, and that’s what I’ll do. I don’t see the problem here.”
“The problem, Vik,” Sofiya continues, “is Mila came to you with concerns, and you brushed her off. Are you so desperate for a husband you’re willing to push aside our sister’s safety?”
I hate to admit it, but Sofiya’s words sting more than I want them to. Pushing back my covers, I stand up. “No. Of course, I care for Mila’s safety. I just think it’s unfounded. The moment I get engaged, he just happens to go to Mila and tries to ruin it? I don’t think so. Gleb wants me. He wants me! Not you.” I point at Mila. “And most definitely not you,” I say to Sofiya.
She narrows her eyes. “So, this is because of Mikhail? Because Mikhail chose me over you?”
“Oh, I’m over that. I don’t want Mikhail anymore. Not everything is about you, Sofiya.
“And not everything is about you, Vik!”
“Don’t fight,” Mila whispers.
“That’s rich,” I grumble. “It’s because of you, Mila, that we’re fighting.” She flinches.
“Hey,” Sofiya snaps. “Be nice.”
“I’m done beingfuckingnice. I finally have a chance for happiness. For everything I’ve ever wanted. Gleb is that. No one is going to ruin it for me.”