“So? You could have been hurt! A man like Damien cannot be trusted.”
“I didn’t see anything dangerous about him.”
Her nonchalance is fucking torture. “What did you talk about?”
“I don’t see how any of that is your business.”
“I’m going to be your husband, so it is my business.”
She tilts her head, looking me over. “I don’t remember agreeing to that. I haven’t made my decision yet, Aleksander. Gleb could very well be my husband soon enough.”
I scoff as I approach her. Her eyes show some hesitation, but she remains put. Good. She’s not acting afraid, even if she is. “Why would you want to marry Gleb? He can’t offer you what I can.”
“And what can you offer me? Wealth and status? That’s rich coming from the man who told me he came from poverty. No, thanks.”
“Maybe you need a man who knows what it’s like on the other side of the tracks.”
She huffs, crossing her arms. “Don’t tell me what I need.”
“I’m rough around the edges, Viktoriya, and I think you like that. I’m no fucking prince charming.”
“You’ll have to talk to Mila. She’s the one who wants her prince charming.”
“So, then, what is it you want?” I ask in a lower voice.
“I want a man wor?—”
“Worthy of you,” I finish for her. “But I’m not because of where I grew up.”
“And you think Gleb is a better choice?”
She narrows her eyes. “Compared to you? Any day. He has money.”
“I have money.”
“He has status.”
“I have status.”
“He’s handsome.”
I quirk an eyebrow. “You don’t think I’m handsome?”
She opens her mouth and quickly closes it before saying, “I don’t find you handsome one bit. In fact, I find you repulsive.”
“If you want to see something truly repulsive, I can show you where I grew up.”
“Why would that make me change my mind?”
“It wouldn’t,” I say. “But it would make you uncomfortable.”
She places her hands on her hips. “Why do you want to make me uncomfortable? You want to marry me. Shouldn’t you want to make me happy?”
“That’s not why I want to marry you, Viktoriya.”
“Now, why would I choose a man who so blatantly told me he wants to make me unhappy?”