Right on cue, another familiar car pulls up to the sidewalk. It’s Aleksander.

“How did you find me?” I ask as he rolls down his window.

“Tracked your phone.”

Of course, he did. “I wasn’t gone long.”

“Nika told me.”

Damn housekeeper. She’s so silent, I forgot she was in the house. She must have seen me leave.

“Are you mad at me for leaving?”

“Were you going to leave me forever?”

Was I? I answer honestly. “I don’t think I was.”

“Do you want to be with me, Viktoriya?”

“I don’t know what I feel.”

He leans across the car and opens the passenger door for me. “Then get in, and I’ll bring you home. I’ll help you to find out what you feel.”

Already, my heart and mind feel lighter. Without a backward glance at the dance studio, I get into the car and let Aleksander take me home.




Viktoriya is silent next to me on the drive home, which is unusual for her. She’s normally snapping my head off. I’m not sure I like this silent Viktoriya. When I set my sights on her, it was because she presented a challenge. I don’t want her to be silent. I like the fire within her.

“Why did you leave?” I ask.

“I just had to,” is her response.

“I noticed you were at a dance studio.” I deliberately don’t ask a question about it.

“I’m a failure, Alek. Are you happy? I’m broken.”

My hands squeeze the steering wheel. “Is this about dance?”

“It’s always about dance.”

It’s clear to me I need to make Viktoriya feel better. She’s drawing herself thin in her desperate attempt to dance again. I saw the shame on her face when she performed for our guests.She needs to learn she can just be herself with me. Vulnerable and all.

But first, I need to punish her for leaving.

At the last minute, I turn the car away from the direction of our house and head to the club. It’s still early morning, so there won’t be as many people there, which I think will be good. What I want to do to Viktoriya is between us and not for an audience.

“Why are we here?” she asks once I park outside the BDSM club.

“Because it has what I need. Follow me.” I get out and don’t look back. I know Viktoriya will come. Despite the fight in her, she always ends up doing what I want in the end.

The club is guarded, but I flash my ID, and the guard lets me inside. The club is quiet and empty. It’s almost eerie.

I lead Viktoriya to one of the private rooms. “Take your clothes off and get on the bed.”