The floor rushes right up to me, and I land on the side of my body. I lie there, looking out at the guests Aleksander invited for me. He was being thoughtful.

Or was he trying to humiliate me like this?

Am I being punished for my attitude?

Aleksander doesn’t move to get up as he locks eyes with mine. I need help, but I would never ask for it. He knows this. He wants me to figure this out for myself, to get better, to heal.

But I’m paralyzed by my fear. By shame. By the crippling desire to be perfect.

Mila and Sofiya rush onto the stage and hover over me.

“Vik?” Sofiya asks, gently placing her hand on my arm. “Are you hurt? Do we need to take you to the hospital?”

No hospitals, I want to snap. It’s what I would have snapped at her if I were my old self.

But all I can do is lie here in fear.

“Vik?” Mila crouches beside me. “Are you ok? Please, answer me.”

All I can see is Aleksander’s eyes. He still doesn’t move. It’s like we’re both frozen.

I can feel my hand reaching out—toward him—before blackness overtakes my vision.

My eyes jerk back open, and all I can see are my sisters.

“Vik,” Mila cries, trying to hug me.

“Give her some space,” Sofiya advises as she places her hands on my shoulders. “Can you sit up? You passed out.”

“How long?” I ask.

“Just a minute. Come on.” I let her sit me up.

The rest of the guests are gone. “Where is everybody?”

“I sent them away,” Aleksander says, moving into my field of vision. “Viktoriya, what happened? Why did you freeze?”

I push myself to stand and jerk away from my sisters’ outstretched hands. “Why did you think this would be a good idea?” I snap.

“You’re upset,” he states.

“Of course, I’m upset. You made me look like a fool. I didn’t want to do this.”

“You never told me that. I was doing this for you.”

“I wasn’t ready!” I shout.

He sucks in a quick breath and turns to my sisters. “Leave.”

Sofiya ignores him. “Vik, what’s going on?”

“He told you to leave,” I respond.

She backs away like I slapped her. “Fine. Come on, Mila.” She walks back into the house without a backward glance. Mila looks back, though, before following Sofiya, leaving me and Aleksander alone.

He steps onto the stage, invading my personal space. “You should have told me you weren’t ready.”

“Would that have mattered? You would have pushed me to do it anyway. You want me to get better. Well, I’m not getting better, Alek.”