When I arrive at the Moretti house, I pause for a moment out front, staring up at the place where I spent so much of my youth. My grandparents’ house was next door. They live in Arizona now, in one of those big retirement communities. I find myself wishing that they still lived here.

Nothing looks like it’s changed at the Moretti house. I look around the street, shrouded in dusk, and memories flood back to me. I have to swallow a lump in my throat that has suddenly appeared. I’m not even sure what has caused it. Taking a deep breath, I remind myself that this is a reunion of sorts. And I’m in control of myself.

I jog up toward the door, my mood light, as I approach the familiar porch. I never thought that I would be back here. Life works in mysterious ways. I tell myself that all I need to do this evening is to get reacquainted with the whole Moretti family. Nothing else needs to happen tonight anyway. I can impress Maia in the future. I’m looking at the long game here.

Knocking, I feel my stomach twist into knots. I’m not used to feeling nervous. Usually I’m in control of my emotions, but this moment feels enormous. As the door swings open, I am greeted by the sight of Mrs. Moretti.

“Joe Lawrence!” she exclaims, pulling me into a warm hug.

“Mrs. Moretti,” I say as I hug her back. A rush of nostalgia comes over me again, like a tsunami. For a moment, I feel like nothing has changed at all, and I’m right back in time, coming over for just another night at the Moretti’s.

“Come in, come in,” she says as she ushers me inside the house. “I was so excited when Jackie told us that you could join us for dinner tonight.”

“Well, I really appreciate the invitation,” I say, enthusiastically. This is going to be fantastic. I just know it.

“Jackie and the other girls are in the family room. Do you remember where that is?” she asks.

“How could I forget?” I reply, my mouth going dry at the thought that Maia is only a few feet away. “I’ll just head down there now.”

I head down the hallway and get to the door, where I take a moment to pause and collect myself before I go in. The family room is alive with noise, the way it always was growing up. Memories flood over me yet again.

“Joe!” There is a chorus of my name, as I step into the room. My eyes flit from one person to another, until my gaze lands on Maia.

“Hey, everyone,” I say, with a shy but sincere grin.

Gianna and Maia stand to hug me by way of greeting. Jackie waves at me from across the room. She seems pleased that I have come, but also reserved. Probably because she is still hurting from the fact that I’m sure that she thinks I’ve been using her. I try to make sure that my arms don’t linger too long on Maia. It feels amazing to have her in my arms after all this time. Sabina stares at me. When I give her a friendly wave, she gives me a nod and the ghost of a smile.

I’m about to strike up a conversation with Maia, when I hear the doorbell ring. I glance around the room for some kind of confirmation that someone else is coming. No one says anything to me, but a moment later I hear footsteps coming down the hallway. I step aside so the door can swing open.

I’m shocked to see Julius enter the room. He doesn’t notice me at first, but goes straight to Maia, who he pulls into an embrace, kissing her in front of all of us. I have to look away. When they finally break apart he sees me.

“Hey, man,” he says. “Surprised to see you here!”

“Family friend,” I say tightly.

“How do you two know each other?” Maia asks.

“We work together at the station,” I say, when Julius doesn’t say anything.

Before anyone else can say anything, Mrs. Moretti calls us all to the table. Mr. Moretti greets me warmly, but all I can think about is the fact that I have missed my chance with Maia - again. How could this be?

We all sit down at the table. I’m pleased that I’m sitting across from Maia, but I feel myself frown as soon as Julius sits down next to her. I understand that he’s her boyfriend at the moment, but it doesn’t mean that it makes me feel any better about it. There is the general commotion that always accompanies a Moretti family meal as everyone settles in. As we start to get our food, things quiet down enough for conversation to start.

“So, Julius, do you see yourself being a firefighter long term?” Gianna asks as she starts to dish up spaghetti and meatballs for each person at the table. I’m surprised that she has taken over this role for Mrs. Moretti. I remember Mrs. Moretti as the head of all meals here growing up.

Julius leans back in his seat with a grin on his face that is nothing short of mocking. He flings his arm across the back of Maia’s chair. “Naw,” he says. “I’ve got bigger and better things to do with my life,” he pauses and looks at Maia, pulling her closer to him with his arm. “Although I’ve got the best thing ever, right here by my side.”

Maia actually blushes, as she realizes that he’s talking about her. “Julius,” she says in a tone of voice that I’ve never heard her use toward anyone before.

What does she see in this dirtbag of a guy? He is younger than she is. He doesn’t have any intention of staying in Cranberry Creek. But maybe that’s what appeals to Maia about him. The Maia I used to know never wanted to leave Cranberry Creek. but that was about a decade ago. Maybe she’s ready now.

“So, working at the fire station is just about biding your time until something better comes along?” I ask, surprised to find that my jaw is clenched.

“Sort of,” he says. “I like saving people. Being a hero is fun. Washing the firetruck every day? Not so much.”

Without thinking, I scoop a meatball out of my spaghetti and examine it. I know that I should just shove the whole thing in my mouth so I don’t say something stupid. Julius just makes me so mad, though. First, he took the credit when I fixed his mistake on the job. Now he has the position in life that I want. As I watch him lean over and whisper something into Maia’s ear, making her giggle, jealousy overtakes me. Suddenly, I do something that I haven’t done since I was a kid, if ever.

I watch the meatball sail off my spoon and arc through the air toward Julius. It feels like everything is moving in slow motion. There are shrieks and general commotion all around me. Everyone is moving, except Jackie who is directly in my line of sight. She stares at me in complete disbelief, her jaw dropped open like a cavern. I have to admit that I’m in disbelief myself. Did I really just launch a meatball at my sworn enemy? This can’t actually be happening.