“Jason? What’s he doing here?” The questions flew from Tara’s mouth. Hope leaped to her throat. Her heart thudded.
Regina’s glasses slid down her nose. She looked over the tops of the frames. “I take it he’s the one?” At Tara’s speechless nod, she asked, “Do you want to see him?”
It took less than a split-second for her to decide. “Yes.”
Regina pressed a button on the intercom. “Show him in.”
Agreeing to see the man who’d ripped her heart to shreds was one thing; deciding how to greet him was something else again. Remaining seated felt too cold and impersonal. Standing might send the message that she was glad to see him. Which, after all the pain and heartache he’d put her through, shouldn’t be the case. She crossed and recrossed her legs. In quick succession, someone rapped on the door, which sprang open, and there he was, the man of her dreams. The man who’d been her everything … before he’d broken her heart.
As if she realized Tara might need a moment to pull herself together, Regina sprang from her seat and came around the desk to greet him. “Mr. Heart. Welcome to Weddings Today. I’m Regina Charm, Executive Editor for the magazine.”
Tara’s gaze had locked on Jason’s the moment he’d entered the room. When his attention shifted to the diminutive woman in his path, the loss felt like a body blow. From the mournful look she glimpsed in his eyes, he must have felt the same way. Nevertheless, he extended a hand in greeting.
“Ms. Charm. It’s a pleasure. On behalf of all of Heart’s Landing, I’d like to thank you for the honor you bestowed on our town.”
Tara watched the interplay, her mouth dry. It was a good thing Regina was handling this part of things. She didn’t think her lips could form a single word.
“Our magazine was thrilled with this year’s selection. Of course, a lot of the credit goes to Tara here. Though Heart’s Landing is indeed the perfect location for a wedding, it was her presentation to our management team that sealed the deal.”
Jason swung to face her. “You did that for us after … after everything?”
Tara found her feet. “I wouldn’t let my personal feelings interfere with the job I was sent there to do.” Jason had broken her heart, but she wasn’t vindictive or petty. He needed to know she was tougher than that. “I fell in love with Heart’s Landing. I wanted the world to see it the same way I did.”
Jason pressed one hand to his chest. “Thank you. The whole town thanks you.”
“That’s one of the reasons we’ve just offered Tara a promotion. Senior Columnist,” Regina interrupted.
Jason’s focus shifted to the editor. When he looked at Tara again, equal portions of happiness and regret swam in his eyes. “A promotion? That’s, uh, that’s great news. Congratulations.” He shuffled his feet.
“Thanks.” Tara hid a smile. The man who never lost his cool was clearly ill at ease. She wondered why.
The imploring look Jason tossed in Regina’s direction all but demanded the editor leave her own office. But Regina wasn’t going anywhere. Arms folded, she leaned against a nearby bookcase as if she didn’t have anywhere better to be. Jason shuffled sideways until his broad shoulders blocked as much of the editor’s view as possible. “There’s, uh, there’s something else I wanted to tell you. The last time we spoke, I said some things I shouldn’t have.” With another glance at Regina, he moved closer to Tara. “I wanted to tell you how sorry I am.”
Tara sliced a hand through the air. “Apology accepted. You weren’t the only one in the wrong. I should’ve been honest with you from the beginning.” If she had one misgiving—other than how things had turned out—it was that she hadn’t confided in him, trusted him, earlier. She wouldn’t make that mistake again. Not ever.
Jason bowed his head. “In the future, I won’t be so quick to judge.”
“See that you don’t … the next time you fall in love.” Whoever she was, Jason’s next girlfriend would reap the benefits of the mistakes they’d both made.
Jason slowly shook his head. “I’m never going to fall in love again.”
“Don’t be so sure.” It was bound to happen. For him, at least. As for her, there’d never be anyone else like him.
“Because I never fell out of love … with you.”
Tara’s heart skipped a beat before stalling out completely. The air in her lungs escaped in a long hiss that ended with, “Me, neither.”
The tiny lines around Jason’s mouth and eyes smoothed. His feet lost their nervous shuffle. “That’s the best news I’ve heard in two months.” A wistful smile slanted across his face. “That’s saying something.”
When she stopped to think about everything else that had transpired, it was actually saying quite a lot.
His mouth opened and closed, leaving whatever else he’d planned to say unfinished. Her eyes watered. He didn’t have to speak. She understood. Relationships were tough enough when the two who loved each other lived within hailing distance. With more than two hundred miles separating them, theirs would be a constant struggle.
Jason’s expression firmed. “If you think there’s even a chance for us, I’ll move to New York. There’s an opening at the Beacon Theater. I’ve already applied for the position.”
“Wait. No.” That wasn’t what she’d had in mind. She couldn’t let him move away from Heart’s Landing. Not for her. “What about the Captain’s Cottage?”
“Evelyn has agreed to take over. She’s not thrilled with the idea, but once she gets her feet wet, I’m sure she’ll be fine.”