“I couldn’t very well throw them out on the street, could I?” She grinned as they emerged onto Bow Tie Pasta’s covered walkway. “Besides, they’ll get a one-night stay at the Captain’s Cottage when they choose it for their wedding venue. It’s only right to give them one or two more.”
“And if they don’t?”
“That won’t happen.” Sympathy clouded her eyes. She waited a beat. “But either way, the offer stands.”
He loved that she hadn’t wanted to hurt him, but she needn’t worry. His shoulders were broad enough to bear it if Daniel and Brianna did choose the Captain’s Cottage over Harbor View. More than that, though, her assurances helped him let go of his final doubts about her. He exhaled. “In that case …” he began.
“Well, we’ll both be at the wedding on Sunday—wherever it’s held,” he added with a smile. “What if we went together?”
Evelyn stopped dead on the sidewalk. Her feet planted, she scoured his face with a laser-like gaze. “Are you asking me to be your plus-one at the wedding?”
“Yeah.” This was it, the moment of truth. The last time he’d asked her out, she’d given him the cold shoulder. Would she do the same thing this time? He held his breath. She either would or she wouldn’t. There wasn’t any middle ground.
“I’d like that,” she said at last.
Watching the kittenish smile play around Evelyn’s lips, he groaned. Much as he’d tried to fight it, much as he’d warned himself not to let it happen, he was falling for Evelyn Heart.
Now what was he going to do about that?
Evelyn’s pulse fluttered. Finally! A giddy rush sped through her, leaving her as excited as a girl who’d been invited to her first prom. By the quarterback, no less. She opened her mouth, prepared to throw Ryan some snark about taking so long … and her lips snapped shut. She simply didn’t have the words.
Imagine that.
Lucky for her, Brianna and Daniel chose that moment to step through the door of Bow Tie Pasta. Their arrival served to remind her that this week wasn’t about Ryan or her. It was about giving the Wedding-in-a-Week couple their perfect day. Which was where she needed to keep her focus unless she wanted to let down all of Heart’s Landing.
“I hope you’re ready for a real treat, because it’s time for floral arrangements and bridal bouquets,” she announced.
“About that …” Daniel began.
“Not to worry.” She waved her hand in a soothing motion. “We made sure everyone in town knows about your allergy, Brianna. I have it straight from Mildred Morrey that she’s taken special steps to ensure your safety.”
“I wish I had your confidence.” Brianna tugged on one earlobe, a move Evelyn had seen her make a few times.
Brianna’s allergy was no laughing matter, and Evelyn was fresh out of reassurances. She looked to Ryan.
“Tell you what.” He rubbed his chin. “Let’s see what precautions Mildred has taken. The instant you feel the least bit uncomfortable, say the word. We’ll whisk you straight to the car and back to the bed-and-breakfast.”
“Well, I love flowers, and I do want to see what they’ve come up with for our wedding,” Brianna hedged. “As long as I can leave if—”
“You can,” Ryan assured her.
“Okay, then.” Despite the worry lines that crisscrossed Brianna’s forehead, she slipped her hand in Daniel’s and headed up Bridal Carriage Way.
Sun dappled the sidewalk between them on a walk to the floral shop that took quite a bit longer than their earlier rush down the street. Evelyn found herself growing more eager with every step. Mildred had quite the reputation for creating window displays that were sheer perfection, and knowing this one might be featured in Weddings Today, she’d probably pulled out all the stops. A shiver of anticipation passed through her as she imagined the possibilities. She chanced a quick glance at Ryan. Was he the kind of guy who sent flowers to a girlfriend on her birthday? Who considered them a necessary part of every wedding?
Whoa. She jammed the brakes on her runaway thoughts. Ryan had only invited her to be his plus-one. She had no business turning sappy over bridal bouquets and boutonnieres. She shrugged. It was all Heart’s Landing’s fault. In a town where weddings were on everyone’s mind 365 days a year, who could blame her? She did her best to control her imagination as they passed beneath the chocolate-and-pink awning of I Do Cakes.
“Huh,” Ryan said when Forget Me Knot came in view. “That’s odd.”
The comment broke her reverie. Thankful for the reprieve, she shot him a questioning look.
“Mildred never raised the curtains on her new window display,” he said, discreetly aiming a finger toward the shop. “I’m surprised I didn’t notice it earlier. I hope nothing’s wrong. I always look forward to seeing what she comes up with, don’t you?”
At his concern, a sudden wave of warm feelings rushed over her. A happy sigh escaped her lips. Not only did Ryan understand the importance of the window coverings; he was concerned about Mildred’s well-being. How sweet was that? Of course, that didn’t answer his question.
What was up at Forget Me Knot?