With a final word to the older woman, Ryan stepped into the aisle between the rows of folding chairs. He glanced in her direction, and their eyes locked. The look only lasted an instant, but she felt the connection between them deepen. She crossed her fingers, hoping and praying he wouldn’t be too disappointed today. She’d wanted to stand beside him, to lend him her support when Brianna and Daniel announced their Wedding-in-a-Week selections. Only things hadn’t gone quite the way she’d planned. The arrival yesterday of Daniel’s large, happy family, plus all his groomsmen and their dates, underscored the absence of Brianna’s aunt and cousins. The bride smiled bravely through all the hugs and greetings. Still, Evelyn and Jenny promised each other they’d stick close to Brianna’s side until she walked down the aisle. Which was why she and her friend stood in front of a very large crowd, flanking the girl who wore a wedding tiara and an I’m-the-bride T-shirt, instead of standing next to the men they loved.
She hummed a few bars of the music from last night’s rehearsal dinner. She’d been positively giddy when Ryan had taken her into his arms at the beach yesterday. But that feeling—as good as it had been—didn’t begin to compare with how she’d felt as he led her out onto the dance floor last night. She’d never forget the solid feel of his hand at her waist or the steady beat of his heart when she laid her head on his shoulder during the slow waltz. It had been … magical.
Reluctant to let go of the memory, she forced herself to focus as Mayor Thomas stepped to the podium. A few last-minute arrivals hurried to find seats. The mayor tapped the mic, and the crowd quieted.
“Welcome to Decision Day for our lovely Wedding-in-a-Week couple.” Greg’s voice boomed out across a sea of eager faces. In the front row, Daniel’s family sat in rapt attention. Behind them, his attendants—six young, uniformed Marines—straightened, pulling their usual erect posture even tighter. The townsfolk of Hearts Landing loved nothing more than a good wedding. They, along with shop owners from miles around, had crowded the park. Here and there, families with young children had opted to spread blankets on the grass for the event.
“Let’s start by thanking everyone who contributed to this year’s Wedding-in-a-Week festivities, beginning with a special round of applause for our sponsors, the good folks at Weddings Today.”
Regina Charm and an associate rose from their chairs on the podium and bowed while hearty applause thundered from the crowd.
When things quieted, the mayor moved to the next item on his list. “How about the shop owners who contributed to the success of this year’s event? Let’s show them some love.”
Greg didn’t have to ask twice. Throughout the crowd, people expressed their appreciation with hearty applause.
For the next several minutes, applause came in waves as the mayor thanked everyone for their contributions. Finally, he reached the end of his list. “Last, but not least, let’s give a big hand to Brianna and Daniel, who we’ve all come to love and adore this week.”
Chairs creaked and fabric rustled as the crowd surged to their feet to deliver a standing ovation. Brianna, who’d nearly fled at a much more subdued greeting at the train station, beamed. On the other side of the podium, Daniel nodded his thanks.
When everyone had taken their seats again, the mayor pointed to the immense board behind the podium. Images of each vendor’s three options lay on a nearby table, he explained. As Brianna or Daniel announced each choice, they’d pick up the corresponding placard and hang it from a hook beneath the store’s logo. Eventually, they’d fill the entire board with their choices.
He clapped his hands. “Ready to get started?”
Brianna approached the table. After selecting a placard, she held it up for everyone to see before she carried it to the board and hung it on the hook beneath Eat, Drink and Be Married’s logo. The crowd erupted in applause while Vi and Bev jogged up the steps and onto the stage to congratulate the young couple. Meanwhile, the mayor announced, “For their first choice, Brianna and Daniel have chosen to drape their tables in floor-length white tablecloths. Navy table runners, silver flatware tipped with gold fleur-de-lis and gold-rimmed crystal adorn the table. Red napkins complete a look that’s sure to make their wedding spectacular.”
Concentrating on keeping her smile firmly in place, Evelyn buried clenched fists in the folds of her dress. She’d have sworn Brianna and Daniel would choose the tropical color theme. They’d barely glanced at the red, white and blue option at Be Married. What had changed? And, more important, what other surprises lay ahead? She stopped herself before she went too far down that rabbit hole. As long as they were happy with their selections, it didn’t matter what choices Brianna and Daniel made. All of them would look perfectly lovely in the Green Room of the Captain’s Cottage.
Next, Daniel approached the table. Tucking a placard under his arm, he approached the podium and stepped to the mic. “I want to give a special Marine thanks to Greg Thomas for going above and beyond this week. See, I surprised the mayor a little when I announced my intention to wear my uniform, rather than a tux, for the wedding. He could’ve said ‘fine and dandy’ and let it go at that. Instead, he insisted on tailoring a suit for me as his gift from Tux or Tails. And here it is.” The instant Daniel held up the poster, his six attendants issued a crisp, “Oorah!” which was quickly followed by yet another round of applause.
And so it went, with Brianna and Daniel slowly building their wedding from the ground up while those watching noted their approval with round after round of applause. Evelyn joined in the fun with each choice. As they neared the end, she eyed the board. The couple had tossed a few surprises into the mix, sure enough, but every option they’d chosen would look stunning in the Cottage.
Finally, only one empty peg remained. Brianna and Daniel joined hands at the table, and Evelyn knew the moment she’d been waiting for had arrived. She found Ryan in the crowd. The man she loved wore a confident smile, but she knew his insides were shaking, his palms damp. To be honest, so were hers. Mustering a wide smile, she blew him a kiss for good luck, caught the one he sent her in return, and pressed it to her heart. More than anything, she hoped and prayed he’d been honest when he’d said whichever location Brianna and Daniel chose, he wouldn’t let it drive a wedge between them. She clung to that thought when the young couple approached the mic.
“Before we announce the venue for our wedding, Daniel and I just want to say how much we appreciate what y’all have done for us this week.” Brianna brushed a few wisps of her straight blond hair over her shoulder. “Evelyn and Ryan have been godsends. I seriously don’t think I’d have made it through the week without Evelyn’s help, especially. She held my hand, lent me her shoulder, and wiped away my tears on more than one occasion this week.”
My pleasure, Evelyn mouthed. She pressed one hand to her heart and swallowed past the lump that had formed in her throat. She and Brianna had grown so close, she was going to hate to say goodbye when the time came.
“Ryan lent me his support and offered advice,” Daniel said, taking over the mic. “They’ve become more than mentors to us. They’ve become good friends. Which makes having to choose between them doubly hard.”
Brianna stepped forward again. “We’d be blessed to hold our wedding at either of their gorgeous facilities. Everyone here already knows about the Captain’s Cottage—it’s a Heart’s Landing institution, and rightfully so. You may not know Harbor View Weddings as well yet, but you will. I encourage you to visit there soon. It’s a beautiful place to get married.”
The lump in Evelyn’s throat melted. It was just like Brianna and Daniel to soften the blow for Ryan. She, for one, would forever be grateful to them for singing the praises of Harbor View, something they wouldn’t do if they’d chosen it as their venue. She flexed her fingers and straightened, preparing to step forward and deliver hearty handshakes and hugs the moment the couple hung the placard featuring the Captain’s Cottage on the board.
His arm around Brianna, Daniel leaned into the mic. “In fact, it’s so beautiful, we’ve chosen to hold our wedding at …” His voice trailed off as he paused for effect. “At Harbor View Weddings,” he finished. “We hope you all will join us this Sunday for the first-ever wedding at Heart’s Landing’s very own waterfront wedding venue.”
Wait. What? She couldn’t have heard right, could she? She scoured the crowd for Ryan, finally spotting him moving toward the podium, a beaming smile on his face.
Evidently, she’d heard correctly after all. She slumped against her chair while Daniel crossed to the board. When he hung a picture of Harbor View from the final hook, all the air escaped from her lungs. Almost before she knew it, Ryan had mounted the few steps onto the stage. Brianna enveloped him in a hug. A few seconds later, he shook hands with Regina Charm while the mayor grinned and patted him on the back.
He was standing in her spot. Accepting the congratulations that should’ve been hers. Ryan had sworn Harbor View would never take the Cottage’s place. And yet that was exactly what had happened.
Someone stepped in front of her. She tried to look around them, but they blocked her view.
“You’re dangerously close to looking like a sore loser,” Jenny whispered. “Stand up right now. Go over there and tell Brianna and Daniel you’re happy for them. Give Ryan your best wishes. We’ll commiserate over pizza tonight.”
It took a good friend to step in at a time like this. Thankfully, Jenny was one of the best. The newlywed was also right—she could do this. She had to. She stood, glad when her legs didn’t buckle beneath her. Plastering a smile on her face, she headed first for Brianna and Daniel, who stood chatting with the mayor. Her arms might’ve felt like lead weights, her mouth stiff and unnatural, but she hugged Brianna and offered her congratulations to Daniel.
That done, she looked around for Ryan. She found him quickly enough. Wearing an all-too-pleased-with himself grin, he stood between Regina Charm and her assistant while Curtis shot pictures that would no doubt be included in the Weddings Today article.