“The Captain’s Cottage could send you some referrals.”
The suggestion stunned him to his core. “That’d be …”
Evelyn grinned up at him. “I think awesome is the word you’re looking for.”
“Why would you do that?”
She waved a hand, dismissive. “You’ve taken a derelict structure and turned it into a gorgeous building. I have faith you’ll succeed with it as a wedding venue. Maybe with a little help from your friends.”
“One particular friend.” There’d been a time when he’d been convinced she didn’t care about anyone but herself. He’d been so wrong about that. He pulled her to him for a quick embrace. Or he’d planned to make it quick. Once he had her in his arms, though, letting go was harder than he’d ever thought possible. Standing there with his arms wrapped around her, her head on his shoulder, he wanted their time together to go on forever. His heart thrilled when she seemed as reluctant to let go as he was.
“Wow!” Evelyn smiled. “If I’d known my little announcement would get that reaction, I’d have said something sooner.”
His fingers itched to draw him to her again, but he resisted. There was one more matter he needed to clear up. “I thought you were worried about the competition.”
Evelyn turned serious. “I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. You know how everyone in Heart’s Landing works together to give each bride their perfect wedding?”
Not sure where she was headed, he nodded.
“That’s one of the things I love most about our town. To tell you the truth, it’s the main reason I left New York.”
“I’m not sure I follow.” What did the Big Apple have to do with Heart’s Landing?
“When I first got to New York, I was totally focused on my career.” A chagrined smile played across Evelyn’s lips. “I don’t know if you realize it or not, but actors can be pretty self-centered.”
“So I’ve heard.” He’d caught a few glimpses of that when Jenny had been planning her movie star cousin’s wedding.
“They have to be.” Evelyn shrugged. “Competition for roles is fierce, and if you don’t put yourself first, you’re never going to make it. Maybe once you’ve made a name for yourself, maybe then you can afford to give another actor a leg up. But it’s pretty dog-eat-dog down in the trenches. When Uncle Dave got sick, I think it was easy for me to come home because, deep inside, I’d already decided I didn’t like how the constant struggle was changing me. Didn’t like the person I was becoming. I’m not proud of it, but finding out about Harbor View stirred some of those old, cutthroat feelings. I had to remind myself people aren’t like that in Heart’s Landing.”
He whistled. “You’ve changed.”
“I didn’t have a choice.” Her face crinkled. “Someone pointed out that we hadn’t fulfilled our promise to deliver a perfect wedding to every bride who wanted a waterfront wedding. From now on, we will … by recommending Harbor View Weddings.”
There was one more thing he had to know. “You’re certain Jason will be onboard with this?”
“I’ve already talked it over with him. We both want every bride to have the wedding of her dreams. Most want to walk down the aisle at the Cottage. For those who have something different in mind, Jason agreed it was a great idea to refer them to you.”
The news was so astounding and so unexpected, it deserved a celebration. Unfortunately, he didn’t have a bottle of champagne handy. Instead, he lifted Evelyn up and swung her around in a circle while she laughed out loud. Once he’d set her down, he rocked back on his heels, stunned.
Minutes passed while they discussed the difference this new opportunity could make. It’d only take a handful of referrals to get the ball rolling. Once Harbor View had hosted two or three successful weddings, he had no doubt that word of the newest venue in Heart’s Landing would spread.
The breeze shifted while they talked. The beach narrowed on an incoming tide. The first gentle waves lapping at their feet told him it was time to go. As much as he wanted to stay right where he was, he and Evelyn needed to head for the jewelry store to pick up Brianna’s pearls and hightail it back to Heart’s Landing in time for the rehearsal dinner.
They held hands on the walk back to his truck. Halfway there, he realized they’d never finished talking about how Brianna and Daniel’s decision might affect them. Hating to put a damper on things, he brought the conversation back to where they’d started. “I know you’re positive they’ll choose the Captain’s Cottage. But let’s say, for the sake of argument, they don’t. If they choose Harbor View, what then?”
“Then we’ll go on with our lives.” Evelyn leaned against him, her warmth filling his soul. “The sun will still come up the next day. The stars will come out at night. Heart’s Landing will continue to be America’s Top Wedding Destination. Life will go on.”
“And us? Will we be okay?”
“You and me, we’re like this.” She wrapped her middle and index fingers around each other. “Nothing can break us apart.”
He liked the sound of that and pulled her close for another one of those delicious embraces. He’d been wrong to doubt he’d recognize love when he found it. He knew what it was now. Love was staring into Evelyn’s face and seeing his own feelings for her reflected back at him. He’d fallen head over heels for the saucy redhead. He loved her, plain and simple. Without doubt. Without reservation.
He wanted, needed, to tell her. And he would. Soon. Soon, but not today. Confessing his love for the woman of his dreams was a momentous occasion. One that called for candlelight and soft music. He wanted to hold her in his arms when he said those three little words that would change everything. He glanced at Evelyn and knew he had to wait.
Evelyn smiled brightly while Curtis snapped off several pictures of her with Jenny and Brianna. When he finished, the three of them sat together on the small stage that’d been erected in the shady park across from the Union Street Bed-and-Breakfast. Hoping to find Ryan, she scanned the crowd that had gathered for the unveiling of Brianna and Daniel’s Wedding-in-a-Week choices. She spotted the man of her dreams guiding Daniel’s frail grandmother to one of the folding chairs in the front row, and her insides went all soft and gooey. They positively melted when he kneeled in front of the aged matriarch and laughed softly at something the woman said.
Yep. She was in love—definitely, hopelessly in love. Just thinking about Ryan sent ripples of delight through her. The mere mention of his name could stop her in her tracks and steal her focus. How had that happened? If someone had told her two weeks ago that by today she’d be so in love with Ryan Court, her heart would squeeze every time she thought of him, she’d have told them they needed to have their head examined. But here she was, crushing on him so hard she didn’t want to be apart from him for a single moment.