Page 51 of Kiss the Bride

Not five minutes passed before footsteps pounded down the staircase. “She’s going to be okay!” Even through the screen door, he saw the joyful tears in Brianna’s eyes. He heard the happiness in her voice. The bride burst onto the porch and flung herself into Daniel’s arms.

Close behind, Evelyn pivoted toward Ryan. When she reached him, he slipped one arm around her waist. His heart swelled when she leaned into him. Together, they listened for details.

“She’s out of surgery, and she’s okay!” The words tumbled from Brianna’s lips in a rush. “Ann and Lynn have been in to see her. They should release her tomorrow. The day after at the latest.”

Daniel gave his bride-to-be a tight squeeze. “Thank goodness,” he said, his voice heavy with relief. “That’s exactly what we were praying for, isn’t it?” He led Brianna to a loveseat surrounded by climbing ivy. Together, they sank down on the cushions. “Want a beer?” When she nodded, he removed the cap with a single flick of his thumb and handed one to her.

Ryan motioned to Evelyn, who reached for the final bottle. Much as he wanted her beside him, he understood when she chose another chair. Flanking Brianna and Daniel, they sat and sipped in silence for a while. At last, he passed his half-empty bottle back and forth between his hands and offered Brianna his good wishes. “That sure was excellent news about your aunt.”

“Yeah.” The young woman looked at him through puffy eyes. Loose strands of hair shimmied when her head bobbed. “Ann—she’s the oldest—she said Aunt Sheila woke up with a stomachache this morning, but she didn’t think it was anything to worry about until late this afternoon. The pain had only gotten worse by then, so she had the girls take her to the ER. I’m so thankful she’s going to be all right.” Leaning forward, she grabbed a cookie from the plate and nibbled on it.

“What does that mean for the wedding?” he asked, determined not to ignore the elephant that had joined them once they knew the surgery had been successful.

“Well, I was counting on Aunt Sheila to walk me down the aisle. Now that she can’t be here, I don’t think we have any choice.”

His breath stalled. Despite the tension in the air, he smiled when, across from him, Evelyn went on high alert, too.

“I’m going to have to find someone else to do it.” The girl brushed crumbs from her hands. “Do you have any ideas?”

He wondered if the others heard the utter joy in Evelyn’s voice when she asked, “So the wedding’s still on?”

Brianna sought Daniel’s eyes. She must’ve seen confirmation in their dark depths because she said, “Yes. Definitely. Daniel and I talked it over. I hate that Aunt Sheila and my cousins can’t come, but we’ve come too far and fought too hard to back out now. Besides.” She took a swallow from her bottle. “If we’re going to have a Heart’s Landing love for the ages, it has to start right here.”

Glass clinked as the foursome raised their beers in a hearty toast.

Brianna sipped once more before she passed her nearly full bottle to Daniel. She aimed a pointed look at Evelyn. “Would you be my maid of honor?”

Evelyn’s hand fluttered to her chest. Tears glistened in her eyes when she gave a heartfelt, “It’d be my pleasure.”

“Good.” Brianna leaned forward, and the girls exchanged hugs. She settled back in the crook of Daniel’s arm. “I really don’t want to walk down that aisle by myself. Do you think Miss Alicia would give me away? And maybe Jenny could stand up front with you?”

“Sounds like you’ve given the matter some thought,” Evelyn mused.

“The perils of destination weddings, I guess,” Brianna said, sounding far calmer than Ryan imagined possible for a bride who’d been through what she’d endured the last few hours. “All the bridal magazines advise making alternate plans in case someone gets sick at the last minute or misses their flight. So I’ve thought about it. Honestly, I can’t think of three people who’ve done more for us since we’ve been here.”

“I’m sure Alicia and Jenny would be honored to be in your wedding. We all are.” Evelyn tapped her chin with one finger. “And, as my first official act as your Maid of Honor, I’ll make sure JoJo and her videographer know we’ll need to live-stream the ceremony for your aunt and your cousins. We don’t want them to miss out.”

“Oh! That’d be wonderful!” Brianna reached for Daniel’s hand and gave it a squeeze.

Daniel grinned. “I bet it’ll be standing-room only in Aunt Sheila’s living room Sunday.” He turned to Evelyn. “This is really nice of you.”

Evelyn leaned forward, her expression earnest. “I’m sure you’ve heard that the Heart’s Landing motto is ‘a perfect wedding for every bride.’ Everyone here works hard to make sure we live up to that promise. But I want you to know that working with you and Daniel this week has been more than a job. It’s shown me what true love is all about. More than that, I’d like to think we’ve become friends. I know Alicia and Jenny feel the same as I do.”

“Aww, careful. You’re going to make me cry. I’ve already done enough of that today.” Brianna brushed her fingertips beneath her eyes. She straightened slightly. “I know it’s late notice, so don’t worry about your dress or anything. I’ll tell Alicia and Jenny the same thing—I don’t care if you show up in shorts and a T-shirt as long as you’re there.”

Evelyn laughed, a sound that sent ripples of warmth through Ryan’s chest. “Please,” she said. “I have Cheri at Dress For A Day on speed-dial. You just tell me what color you want us to wear, and she’ll take care of everything.”

Brianna’s eyes glittered in a way that made Ryan’s mouth twitch. He braced himself. “Do you think she could whip up dresses like the green one Scarlett wore in Gone With The Wind?”

He had to give Evelyn credit when she barely flinched. He couldn’t help it. He laughed out loud. Beside his bride-to-be, Daniel did the same. Apparently, he’d seen the same gleam in Brianna’s eyes. They were in on her joke.

The puzzled look on Evelyn’s face was priceless. “Wait. You’re not serious?”

“No.” Brianna joined in the laughter. “I think the Southern belle look is a bit passé, even for me.”

“You’re the bride. It’s your choice …” Evelyn hesitated a second longer before her face broke into a wreath of smiles. “But I’m awfully glad you were kidding.”

Ryan lifted his beer in a silent toast to the woman he was fast beginning to have deeper feelings for. Seeing Evelyn interact with Brianna and Daniel, watching her help them cope with the pitfalls of planning their wedding in a week, he’d grown to admire her kindness and caring attitude. His thoughts leaped forward, and he was powerless to stop them. Evelyn would make a great mom one day. He could almost see her kissing boo-boos to make them better and putting Band-Aids on skinned knees. She’d be the one to help their daughter get over her first heartbreak, to teach their son to take up for the underdog at school.