Page 41 of Kiss the Bride

Whatever reaction she’d expected, laughter wasn’t it. “What’s so funny?” she demanded.

“You realize she’s ten, maybe fifteen years older than me?”

“So what? Men date older women all the time.” There’d probably been a dozen December/May weddings at the Cottage over the years.

“Sorry.” Ryan sobered. His hands rose in protest despite the merriment that continued to dance in his eyes. “There’s nothing going on between me and Vi. She’s married. So’s Bev, for that matter. But even if she was free, Vi’s not my type.”

“And what is your type?” The words rolled right off her tongue before she could stop them.

“Well, if you must know, I’m kind of partial to redheads.”

If there’d been a wall behind her, Ryan’s stare would’ve pinned her to it. Heat flooded her face and spread across her shoulders.

“And, no.” His voice dropped an octave. “Just in case you were wondering, I’m not dating anyone.

Not that it should matter to you one way or another. You’re the one with a steady boyfriend.”

Her head jerked up. “Wh-what gave you that idea? I don’t have a boyfriend, steady or unsteady.”

“You’re sure about that?”

The man was so earnest, she couldn’t resist teasing him a bit. “Hmm. You think I’m getting forgetful in my old age? Here, I’ll check my schedule.” She made a huge show of pulling her phone out of her purse and scrolling through the calendar app. “Nope. No date last Saturday. I’d better check the week before. Um, nope. Nothing then, either. Maybe last month?” She scrolled again and peered up at him. “Nothing there. You’re sure I’m seeing someone?”

“Evelyn.” Ryan’s voice dropped to a heart-stopping growl. “Who are you taking to dinner at Bow Tie Pasta?”

“Bow Tie— Oh! When I win our bet? You’re worried about my dinner date?” She canted her head. Who was being jealous now?

“You’re not going to win, but that’s beside the point. Who?” He ground out the last word.

“Okay. Okay.” No sense upsetting the man now that things were just getting interesting. “If you must know, I was planning to let Tara and Jason go in my place. I thought it’d make a nice gift for them when they get home from their honeymoon.”

“So all that stuff about the lamb chops was …” He stopped to let her fill in the blanks.

“Just me having fun.” She hung her head. “Sounds like we both jumped to conclusions.”

“Yeah, it kind of does. I’m glad we cleared that up.” Ryan studied a spot over her left shoulder. “Maybe we should—”

Behind her, the door to Be Married sprang open. The moment it did, Ryan’s mouth clamped shut. Brianna and Daniel emerged from the store. Curtis edged around them, his camera at the ready. Vi stepped into view, her staff clustered behind her.

“Of all the rotten timing,” Evelyn muttered, wishing Ryan had been able to finish.

“I can’t wait to find out what you’ve chosen for your wedding!” Vi’s face beamed with pleasure. “Feel free to stop in anytime if you have questions or want to see the options again. They’ll be on display all week.”

“Thanks for everything.” Daniel gave the shop owner’s hand a final shake.

“It was all so lovely,” Brianna said dreamily. “We’re going to have the best wedding, thanks to you!” She sidled closer to Daniel, who slipped his arm around her. While Curtis snapped pictures, the couple headed down the steps to the car that waited at the curb.

“Evelyn, I’m so glad you visited our store today. I trust you liked what you saw.” Hope tinged Vi’s words.

Be Married had certainly exceeded her expectations and, after misjudging the woman so badly, Evelyn felt she owed her. “As soon as Jason gets back, I’ll ask him to add your store to our suppliers’ list,” she promised. The offer would drive a lot of business to the shop.

“That’s wonderful! I can’t wait to tell Bev! She’ll be thrilled!” Vi turned to Ryan. “Seeing you today was a pleasant surprise. Don’t be strangers, you hear?”

“Good to see you, too, Vi.” Headed for the sidewalk, Ryan added, “Give my best to Bev. Hope that little one of hers is feeling better.”

“I’m on my way to check on them right now,” Vi assured him.

A light beep from the Town Car reminded everyone that Alicia had planned a working lunch with Brianna and Daniel at the Captain’s Cottage. Evelyn hurried down the stairs two steps ahead of Ryan. Keeping the event planner waiting was never a good thing.