Page 27 of Kiss the Bride

“Goodness gracious,” Brianna whispered, stepping into the space. “This is amazing!”

Evelyn gave the girl a warm smile. “But wait, there’s more,” she teased and led them into a second room. She gestured to the king-size bed beneath an ornate canopy. “Many of our newlyweds opt to spend their first night as a married couple at the Captain’s Cottage. All our suites are fully furnished with all the comforts of a five-star hotel.” She pointed out the claw-footed tub and an array of lotions and perfumes in the bath. She paused to let Brianna and Daniel marvel over the towel warmer.

“Isn’t that the neatest thing? Can you imagine? No more goose bumps after a shower.” Wonder filled Brianna’s voice.

Evelyn cleared her throat. “Our kitchen provides room service around the clock. Someone’s on duty at all times to cater to your every need.”

“I thought our rooms at the bed-and-breakfast were spectacular, but this is … this is … I don’t have the words.” The bride-to-be cast a dreamy eye about the room.

Meanwhile, Daniel had propped his arm on the tall chest of drawers. He pointed to a hook suspended from the ceiling. “That seems like an odd place for a hanger,” he observed.

“Oh, I know what it’s for,” Brianna said, as excited as if she had the winning answer on a game show. “It’s for my wedding gown. It’ll hang there so it won’t get wrinkled.”

“That’s right.” Sensing they’d seen enough of the bridal suite, Evelyn stepped into the hall. “The Azalea and Aster suites are on this wing.” For Brianna’s sake, she skipped the Tea Rose. “On the other side of the house are the Camellia, Jasmine, and Violet. Are you ready to see the ballrooms?”

“Yes, please,” Brianna blurted, clapping her hands and dancing on her tiptoes beneath Daniel’s indulgent smile.

A short walk took them to the grooms’ dressing areas. They stopped for a moment to let Daniel view the only slightly more Spartan accommodations. Then, they were on to the Green Room. Evelyn halted her little party outside its double doors.

“Captain Thaddeus and his wife entertained frequently. As was the custom in their day, they threw lavish parties and dances. The Green Room was built specifically for that purpose. Mary insisted it be large enough to allow for the full skirts and fans that were in fashion at the time. We know from historical records that this room was used predominantly for dancing while dinner—what we’d call a buffet—was served in the smaller Blue Room.”

Having delivered her final history lesson for the day, Evelyn whispered a silent prayer before she flung the doors wide. She sucked in a grateful breath at the three rows of elegantly dressed tables and chairs that had been arranged in one corner of the room. Beyond them, what looked like an acre of dark hardwood gleamed softly beneath a chandelier the size of a small car. Pale green walls rose above the wainscoting. The fragrant mix of linseed oil and lemon floated in the still air.

Brianna’s giddy laughter drifted over her shoulder.

“The Green Room is our largest ballroom,” Evelyn said, wiping a sudden dampness from her eyes while she made a special note to thank Jenny for working absolute magic. “We can accommodate up to three hundred guests here, another two hundred in the Blue Room.”

She stepped aside to let Brianna and Daniel pass. Hand in hand, the couple circled the room, talking softly among themselves. When they finally returned, Brianna’s eyes glistened with unshed tears above a sweet smile.

Evelyn let her gaze bounce between the bride and groom. “What do you think? Can you see yourselves getting married at the Captain’s Cottage?”

Brianna pressed one hand over her heart. “I love it here. From the pictures I saw of it in Weddings Today, I knew I would. But being here in person, seeing everything firsthand, it’s all so much better than I expected.” Her cheeks reddened, and she clamped one hand over her mouth. “Sorry!” She turned to Curtis. “No offense.”

The photographer peered over his lens. “None taken.”

“That’s not to say we’re deciding on the Captain’s Cottage,” Daniel put in. “We both liked Harbor View, too. It had a lot to offer.”

“Right.” Brianna gave the ballroom a wistful glance.

“You both should take your time and mull things over.” Evelyn gave herself a few extra points for sounding polished and professional while hope shimmied inside her. Brianna had clearly fallen in love with the beauty of the Cottage the moment she’d stepped out of the Town Car. The mansion’s sense of history had gotten Daniel’s attention. She was pretty sure that, five days from now, the couple would continue a long-standing tradition when they posed for their wedding photograph in front of the most popular venue in Heart’s Landing.

Seeing them off a few minutes later, she felt guilt prickle along her spine and drew in a breath. She should be happy, ecstatic, even. In all likelihood, Daniel and Brianna were going to get married at the Captain’s Cottage. It was exactly what she’d wanted, what she needed to have happen. Why, then, did she feel even the tiniest bit guilty?

She pictured Ryan’s smiling face. Judging from Daniel and Brianna’s reaction as they’d toured Harbor View Weddings this morning, he had to be thinking they’d choose his venue. She flexed her fingers. He’d be so disappointed to learn the couple had liked the Cottage even more. She knew what that felt like from personal experience. The brides who visited the Cottage didn’t often choose a different venue. When they did, the rejection stung.

Her thoughts churned. Ryan deserved a chance to prepare himself for the very real possibility that Brianna and Daniel would choose the Captain’s Cottage. Should she warn him? She twisted a wayward strand of hair and tucked it behind her ear. As much as it pained her to do it, she probably ought to be the one to tell him.

Because I want to break the news to him gently? Or because I want to see him again?

To be honest, the answer was a little bit of both. Fighting a chill that ran across her shoulders, she drew her phone out of a pocket to call the man who’d shown her nothing but warmth and kindness, the one man in Heart’s Landing she least wanted to hurt.

Chapter Eight

Ryan drummed his fingers against the sides of two cardboard cups while he waited for Evelyn outside the White Dove Deli. The coffee from Espressly Yours was a consolation prize, his gift to her for conceding their bet. That had to be the reason she’d asked to meet, didn’t it? He didn’t know how things had gone during their tour of the Captain’s Cottage, but Brianna and Daniel couldn’t possibly have been happier there than they’d been at Harbor View this morning. Brianna had especially been impressed. Her delight with the furnishings in the bridal dressing rooms had justified every penny he’d spent on plush seating and gilded mirrors. As for Daniel, the groom hadn’t been able to tear his eyes away from the scenic views. His, “Wait till the guys see this,” had convinced Ryan that, when the time came, the couple would choose Harbor View as their venue.

Evelyn realized that, didn’t she? She had to. The fiery redhead was many things—outspoken, independent, beautiful—but she was also smart enough to know when she’d lost. In all likelihood, she’d decided to throw in the towel and admit defeat.

Doubts curled in his chest like wood shavings. After a year of pouring everything he had into the old building, was he really on the brink of success? Brianna and Daniel’s wedding would be the first at Harbor View. What if something went wrong? He shook his head at the unlikelihood of that happening. Weddings Today had arranged for Alicia to coordinate every detail. Things always went smoothly under her careful watch.