“Either way, it’s nice to meet you.” He flicked a thumb to an older couple on his opposite side. “These are her parents, Vel and Ronny, so mind what you say.”
Rochelle let out a laugh and, thankfully, so did Ally’s parents. Ally, on the other hand, held a slightly offended frown, though the small wobble of her lips said she didn’t wholly object to the summary of her character.
Vel extended a warm and gentle look, and spoke next. “Ally is our youngest daughter, we have another, Laila. That one’s a smidge more restrained, but I hope you can understand Al’s curiosity. Gordon has always been mysterious about his private life, yah know. It’s a nice surprise to see him with someone.”
Rochelle clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “Sure, I get it, but I’ve known the guy for less than a week, and we’re certainly not in any sort of relationship.” She could feel the weight of everyone listening, so she added with more enthusiasm. “What I can say is, it’s been an adventure so far.”
Hoping her upbeat reply might score Gordon some social points long after she returned to LA, but aware more questions might be incoming, she took a quick sip of her drink and veered her gaze.
Maybe she should have called her time here a “reverse adventure.” Her life had slowed all the way down, and Gordon was the unassuming sort, who gave the impression he spent much of his life being largely underestimated. That probably explained why she’d been able to invade his kitchen that first night, only to invite herself into his life outright.
But she liked that about him.
Unlike so many other men she encountered, he didn’t seem to take her brash approach personally or try to compete. He kind of just rolled with the punches. He was a still lake to her squally ocean. A man capable of being around just the right amount that she needed.
He left her to her solo morning walks in the majestic woods out the back of his house. Sometimes he’d have breakfast cooked on her return. Sometimes they would do that bit together. He gave her space to handle her current workload online, with afternoons and evenings outside of his work hours spent together. They’d settled into a routine so fast, but so non-dramatic. Like she’d been given her first moment in years to stop and breathe.
And then there was this town, with her visits to the local attractions, including the nursery, where a boisterous elderly woman by the name of Aggie McKey swept her up in a wild conversation Rochelle hadn’t exactly invited, but had come to enjoy either way. She’d learned a bit of town history and how Aggie’s family had lived in these parts for generations. How she’d married her childhood sweetheart and been devoted to him ever since, even though he’d passed away some twenty years ago.
Rochelle couldn’t imagine a love like that, but still she found herself absorbed in the romanticism of Aggie’s story. Rochelle’s life in LA just seemed to move too fast. As much as she loved her family and friends, everyone was always so busy, while everyone here—especially Gordon—seemed to have nothing but time.
And perhaps that’s why she failed to leave.
She peered up and watched Gordon through the pass, his red flannel shirtsleeves extending out from his pale blue apron, his broad back mostly to her and his head tilted down. He handled multiple pans on the stove in a skilled, calm rhythm.
Her heart jolted at the sight of him, at the effect he and these unobtrusive surroundings had on her. Again, she sipped at her citrusy astringent drink in search of diversion, her thoughts sticking on the empty feeling that had slowly crept into her life in recent years.
That feeling had taken up space in her heart and stolen joy from things that once brought her delight. Amidst achieving all her goals and chasing every thrill. Amidst the years of exploring exciting places and cultures, her jet-set life left her void of one major thing. Connection.
But everyone she encountered in Harlow provided that in spades. From the festivities at Emilia’s wedding, to this scene at the bar, everyone welcomed her. No wonder Emilia had changed her initial plans to run from Harlow only to stay.
“Say, Ally, why don’t you invite Rochelle to your house-warming party?” Sarah gave a sly smile and leaned into the bar, making it clear she was invested in giving Rochelle more reasons to stick around.
“Oh, that’s a great idea.” Ally clapped her hands together and sent Rochelle an expectant look, one that left Rochelle feeling uncharacteristically uncertain.
She turned to Sarah and gave her a light-hearted glare before addressing Ally. “When is it?”
Ally lashed out her hands and clung onto Rochelle’s forearm as though she’d already said yes. “In two days. It’s nothing big, yah know, since the house was Chip’s childhood home, and he was already living there. I just want to celebrate us being back together and me moving in.” She clamped her lips together as if she knew she was kind of rambling, only to speak again. “There’ll be just a few of us, but as long as you’re with Gordon, you’re one of us. Your invite is a given.”
Two days?
One of them?
She’d been taking each day in Harlow as it came with no real plans on what she’d do next, but now she had plans. In two days. And it seemed her connection with Gordon made her an honorary Harlow resident.
Her heart strained from the added pressure and confusion. Things with Gordon were still so new, so much so it felt weird even calling whatever they had a relationship. At the same time, the tightness in her chest loosened to a quick flutter because Ally’s invite offered an unfamiliar sense of belonging. A small corner for Rochelle’s heart longed to find out what sticking around would do for her as a person and her relationship with Gordon.
Once again, she was being pulled in, but in all her years of extravagant adventures, her last five days somehow still ranked amongst petting elephants in Laos and lounging on yachts by sun-kissed Greek Islands. Harlow was just... a different kind of fun. Far more humble and easygoing. She had money and a thriving business, but she’d never truly settled anywhere for very long. Maybe Harlow had something new to teach her. Maybe she could afford to stop. To experience what it meant to belong somewhere.
So, she turned to Ally and offered a definite smile. “That is a very kind offer. I’ll see you in two days.”
An exquisite wide grin crept across Ally’s face, and Rochelle turned to watch Gordon through the pass, the man remaining steady through the chaos of Maynard’s kitchen and a multitude of orders. Even if her time in Harlow had started as a simple weekend away, she’d always been a fan of change, and right now, she vowed to make her stay here something so much more.
She would see this place through different eyes. Through the eyes of someone more like her friend, Emilia. She’d come from the same city and social group as Rochelle, only to become blissfully immersed with everything to do with Harlow. And maybe Rochelle could do that too. Maybe she could slow down and find a minute to fully explore small-town life and fall in love.
The next evening, Maynard’s Tavern neared closing time and only a few patrons remained for last drinks, the general hubbub of the venue having long died down. Adrian sat surrounded by six familiar faces at a round table in a corner of the room, the quiet and quaint surroundings doing nothing to dull their expressions of anger, fear, and concern.