Page 76 of Deadly Wolf Bite

“Fuck off, Diavolo,” Dom says. “This is between me and the princess.” He squeezes my arm again, and something cracks.

I gasp as dark spots flash before my eyes.

Grey swings his gaze to me, and his body trembles with rage. “You hurt her.” His tone is both an accusation and a deliverance of judgment. He looks at Dom, and his skin ripples in a way I’ve only seen twice in my life. “I’m going to kill you for that.”

In the darkness, Grey crouches, curling in on himself and grunting. More trembles seem to come from deep beneath the surface of his skin. A second later, Grey’s clothes shred as he changes into a monstrous wolf.

Dom finally releases me and steps back to face Grey’s beast. “She’s not worth it, asshole.”

Grey growls, low and vicious.

Dom sneers, and he glances at me then back at Grey. “She’s spying on you, did you know that? Informing to Franco himself.”

Grey hesitates. His wolfish gaze swings to me, and I can practically hear the question vibrating off him: is it true?

My heart pounds as I try to come up with something to say. “I can explain,” I begin, my voice cracking.

Dom’s smile is smug as he interrupts me. “Why don’t you get back to your party? I’ll take care of the bitch when I’m done with her. Free of charge.”

Instead of backing off, Grey takes a step toward Dom, his growl louder now. His wild gaze is even more determined.

“Oh please. You fucking touch me, and you’re dead, Diavolo.” The same smug confidence is still etched into the asshole’s expression. Even now, he doesn’t think Grey will actually harm him.

Grey doesn’t hesitate.

He leaps, closing the distance and sinking his teeth into Dom’s throat. Dom cries out, falling back as Grey lands on top of him. The wolf doesn’t let up. I press myself against the wall, wide-eyed with shock and disbelief, as Grey’s wolf rips Dom’s throat out.

Dom’s body trembles, his form shifting before hovering awkwardly between beast and man. He gurgles and chokes, blood coating his entire upper body and the floor around him. Then he goes still.

Grey’s wolf steps back and studies me with large, yellow eyes. Blood coats its mouth and neck. I don’t want to look at it but can’t make myself look away.

Unlike with Anthony, I don’t scream. This time feels different. The blood and violence are shocking but knowing Dom can never hurt me—or anyone else—again… I can’t bring myself to regret what just happened. All I feel is a numb sort of relief.

Then Grey shifts, and the moment he stands before me in his human form, my relief drains away. His glare pierces me straight through my heart.

“Is it true?” he demands.

“It’s not that simple. I didn’t?—”

“Is it true?” he repeats, the words harsh enough that I flinch.

“Yes,” I whisper. He snarls, and I rush to explain. “I agreed to spy, but it’s not?—”

“I can’t deal with this shit right now.” He turns away from me, grabbing what’s left of his clothes. “I’m calling Dutch,” he adds. “He’ll help us clean things up.”

“No need,” says a voice from the doorway.

We both look over as Vincenzo appears. Behind him are Alvaro, Rocco, and Charlie. Their hair and clothes are slightly disheveled, but their expressions are intense as they take in the body on the floor and Grey and me standing over it.

Vincenzo glowers at us both. “Your alpha’s going to take care of it himself.”



My father’s wrath is a taste on my tongue. The moment he steps into the room, I tense. Ten minutes ago, I might’ve put myself between him and Lexi—to protect her—but I can’t bring myself to do it now. He doesn’t acknowledge either of us as he stalks slowly around the other side of Dom’s lifeless, broken body.

My father stares down at the carnage for a long beat. The blood has made a fucking mess; the carpet’s beyond ruined. But I’m not sorry. I can’t be. Not even if this brings Franco’s full power down on my head.