Page 71 of Deadly Wolf Bite

I shove through the doors quickly. No one calls out or stops me, but I hold my breath until I’m out of the room.

In the hallway, I press the button for the elevator and almost immediately hear a voice behind me.

“Hey,” Mia calls.

I whirl and see her poking her head out of the door to the suite.

“You scared me.” I force a laugh.

“Where are you going?” she asks.

“Um, bathroom.” I nod at the restroom just down from where I stand, praying she didn’t see me push that button. Or that the little light is now yellow.

“Probably a good idea. It’s fucking crazy in here.”

Someone yells for Mia. It sounds like Charlie. She rolls her eyes. “See you in there.”

Then she’s gone. And I’m alone.

The elevator doors open.

I hesitate only a second, glancing at the suite doors, then I step inside the elevator and press the button for the floor below this one.



At the bar, Ramsey slams down the last of a row of empty shot glasses and howls loudly. The generals crowded around him cheer. They egg him on to do another flight of shots, and he motions for Alvaro to pour. The cheers turn to fist bumps and wagers on how long before Ramsey loses the ability to stand.

At this rate, he’s not the only one headed horizontal.

We doled out the drug slowly so it wouldn’t be obvious and just kept pouring drink after drink. My dad ended up with a few spiked ones because it was impossible to keep them separate once Mia started making them so fast. But I’m not sorry. Not even if it makes him an easy kill in the end.

He deserves everything he gets.

My father catches my eye and nods toward the master bedroom. He pushes aside the dancer he’s clinging to. I follow him into the empty room, and he slams the door shut behind me.

“What’s up?” I ask warily.

He may not be as drugged as the others, but he’s drunk. And that’s never a good thing.

“I gave you one fucking job, and you’ve screwed it up every chance you get.”

My hands ball into fists, my temper flaring. “What are you talking about?”

“Have you seen this?” He holds up his phone. On the screen is a picture of Lexi and Dom standing very close together inside the church this morning. I grab the phone and scroll, skimming the article below. It says the couple seemed “familiar to the point of intimate” and speculates the shared moment was “a lovers’ quarrel.”

I look up at my father, trying to keep my control. “This is a lie. He assaulted her.”

“I don’t give a fuck!”

I step back as he lurches at me, getting in my face.

“You were supposed to control her,” he snarls. “She’s been running her mouth to me all night. And now this.” He waves his phone.

“She’s not?—”

“Anthony was targeted because of that shit you pulled at the restaurant,” he growls. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten that.”