Page 65 of Deadly Wolf Bite

“I’m not reconvening with you anywhere,” I snap.

He lowers his voice. “Careful. Your tone’s drawing attention. You wouldn’t want to give yourself away here.”

I swallow the urge to cough as his overbearing cologne chokes the air from my lungs. He’s right. If I cause a scene, it will only raise more questions.

“Now, what do you have for me?” he asks, his tone unmistakably threatening.

I zero in on the thin, pink line marring his cheek. It’s healed a little but even so my lips twist at the fading injury. The one I gave him. “I have nothing for you,” I tell him. “Unless you want me to even things up and put a scratch on the other side.”

“Watch your fucking mouth,” he warns.

When I try to shove past him, he grabs my arm and squeezes until I make a small sound of pain.

“You don’t walk away from me unless I say we’re done,” he growls.

“Do we have a problem?” Mia’s voice rings out loud enough that a few of the nearby guests glance over at us.

I’m not sure whether to be relieved or worried that Mia’s here to witness this interaction, but at least Dom releases me. I yank my arm away, taking a full step back. On either side of me, Mia and Dom stare one another down, tension filling the empty space between them.

“No problem at all,” he drawls. “You look exceptionally hot today, Mia. Using a funeral to hook an eligible bachelor?”

“You have five seconds to disappear before Grey joins us. After that, I can’t promise you’ll walk out of here with all your limbs.”

“Sexy and mouthy.” He grins. “Just the way I like them. When are you going to have dinner with me?”

“Let me pick the place, and we can do it tonight,” she says lightly. “I’ll make sure the chef seasons your food extra special. In fact, don’t plan to live past dessert.”

He snorts. “Cute.”

A quick glance at me lets me know this isn’t over. But he doesn’t say anything else before turning away.

Mia speaks up, stopping him. “That’s twice now you’ve put your hands on Lexi without her permission.”

A few more guests look over. The conversations closest to us go quiet.

Dom turns back, his smile twisting toward cruelty. “Is that what she told you?” he asks Mia. “That she didn’t want it?”

Rage burns in my chest. I want to interject, but Mia glances at me and shakes her head curtly, telling me to be quiet.

“She doesn’t have to tell me anything,” Mia says. “That scratch on your face speaks volumes.”

The crowd murmurs, pressing in closer now. As much as I want to out Dom for being an asshole, this isn’t a good thing, the nosy onlookers. It’ll cost us—if not with Dom then with Franco or Vincenzo. There’s always a cost in Indigo Hills.

At Mia’s words, Dom stalks over to her, pressing into her personal space until the crowd goes still, waiting to see what he’ll do. “This scratch is nothing compared to what I’ll do to you if?—”

“Dominic.” Franco’s voice rings out sharply in the tense silence.

Dom turns, the scowl on his face smoothing into a cool mask that’s almost scarier than his fury. “Yeah, boss?”

“Car’s waiting,” Franco snaps. “Let’s go.”

“Sure thing.” Dom strides by me then disappears into the vestibule.

When he’s gone, Franco remains, his attention fixed on me. The crowd watches it all unfold. Joan must be giddy with delight at witnessing such drama up close.

Mia comes up beside me, and I’m grateful. Her closeness is a reinforcement I need right now.

“Hello, granddaughter,” Franco says finally.