“Good, let them tear each other apart. They’ll do the work for us,” Mia mutters.
Grey shakes his head, violence flashing in his eyes. “We can’t let that happen. The first weapon my father will reach for is Lexi.”
“So, we what? Convince him to forgive and forget?” Razor asks, brows raised.
“No.” Grey picks up the case he brought from where he’d stashed it on the ground earlier. He sets it on the table and opens it. “Ramsey’s right about fighting, which is why I’m going to challenge my father for alpha.”
They all look at him, speechless.
Dutch recovers first. “You sure about this?”
“Yes.” Grey takes something from inside the case and holds it up.
A knife.
Not just any knife. It’s fancy, with jewels embedded in the handle and symbols carved into the steel. It looks old—and deadly.
“Is that what I think it is?” Mia whispers, leaning forward.
Grey nods. “A hex blade. Charmed with the power to bind souls.”
“Where the hell did you find it?” Razor asks.
“The Black Moon Pack alpha owed me a favor,” Grey says quietly.
“That must’ve been some favor.” Dutch snorts.
“Why didn’t you tell us you had this?” Crow asks.
“You know what will happen if we’re caught with this,” Grey says. “I didn’t want to put you at risk unless it was necessary.” His mouth tightens. “And I think it is.”
“You want us to pledge to you.” Mia looks up at him with pure loyalty in her gaze, and I suddenly realize it’s a damn good thing Ramsey’s not here.
Then I realize it could just as easily out me as a traitor. My heart races. I resist the urge to get up and move away.
Grey glances at me then back at Mia. “It’s time. It’s the only thing that will make me strong enough.”
“If we do this, there’s no going back,” Dutch warns. “The other alphas will know what you are.”
“It’s a risk we’ll have to take,” Grey says.
“You’re really going to challenge your dad?” Crow asks.
Grey’s expression is pained. “There’s no other way.”
It dawns on me then—the reality of what he’s suggesting. My own fear was so consuming, I’d missed it at first.
He’s going to fight and kill his own father.
If Vincenzo doesn’t kill him first.
Now, the fear is an iron grip on my heart.
“What about Franco?” Razor asks.
“My father’s the biggest threat right now,” Grey says. “Especially with the wedding coming up soon. Once I defeat him, I’ll have enough power to take on Franco. Besides, we don’t have the numbers to take on Franco’s pack. And you know they won’t just accept me outright. Not without a fight.”
“Wait, you’re going to fight your dad and Franco?” I ask, panic rising inside me.