“Iwon’t do it,” I declare, my voice wobbling only slightly.
Ramsey side-eyes me from the driver’s seat of his Lykan Hypersport but doesn’t respond. His face is flushed, his hair disheveled, ruining his usual laid-back, golden-boy look. Then again, considering he betrayed me to the enemy tonight, I’d say a lot more than his composure has been lost. Any trust I had for him is gone, though I can’t help beating myself up for ever letting my guard down with him.
He’s Grey’s friend.
But I don’t know him.
All I know about Ramsey Greco is that he’s part of my fiancé’s inner circle—and a werewolf who informs on his closest friends to the mafia pack alpha. The old me would never have trusted someone solely based on the word of another. Orphaned and mostly alone, I’ve survived on my wits and intuition my whole life—until being kidnapped and delivered to Indigo Hills. And now I’m royally fucked because of this one single slip in judgment.
Ramsey sold me out, and now I’m being forced to do the same.
Spy on the man who kidnapped me and brought me into this mess. Shouldn’t be an issue, right? Grey’s more than my kidnapper, though. In a twist that undoubtedly sounds a little like mental instability on my part, he’s also my best friend and someone I can’t stop imagining in my future.
“I mean it,” I say with more force—and less tremble—in my voice. “I won’t spy on Grey for Franco. Or for you. As soon as we get back, I’m going to tell him everything.”
Ramsey hits the brakes hard enough to make them squeal. My seatbelt locks as we come to an abrupt stop in the middle of the road, and a car honks as it veers around us. Bright red taillights light up the darkness until the car turns right and disappears.
I’m too shocked to say anything as Ramsey twists toward me with a vicious glare.
“You will find out everything you can about Grey’s plans to overthrow Franco and report it all to me,” he says, his tone threatening.
“Or what?” I challenge. “You’ll kill me? How would you explain that to Grey? Or even Vincenzo? They’d both come for you the moment they learned what you did—no, what you are. A rat.”
I expect a flash of temper. Maybe even violence. Instead, his lip curls with disgust. “You really don’t get it, do you?” He leans closer, the leather seat crunching with his movement.
I don’t move, but my body tenses at his closeness.
“Franco never wanted you here,” he snarls. “That’s why he left you to fend for yourself all those years. You were nothing to him. Now that you’re back, you’re an inconvenience at best. A complication at worst. The moment you stop serving his purpose, he will dispose of you. So if I were you, I’d start making myself useful.”
“Grey would never let anything happen to me.”
He scoffs. “You think Grey will believe you over me?”
I frown, suddenly less sure of myself. “I haven’t done anything wrong.”
He laughs harshly. “You agreed to spy. The damage is done.”
“I was coerced,” I remind him.
His smile is cruel and smug. “I’ve known Jericho Diavolo my entire life. You’ve known him for five fucking minutes. None of them will take your word over mine. And you’ve seen what we do to traitors.”
I shudder as his meaning hits me. Trucker. When I first arrived in town, Grey took me to a secret warehouse to confront a pack member who’d been caught informing to Franco. Grey shot him at point blank range right in front of me.
Yes, I know exactly what they do to traitors.
My bravery slips away with his threats, and I can’t help the vulnerability that leaks into my voice. “Why are you doing this?”
Ramsey hesitates. “I don’t—” He breaks off, staring out at the road. His eyes are wild now. His breathing labored. He looks like some kind of psychotic frat boy, unhinged and single-minded in his collared shirt. “Fuck,” he snarls with enough venom that I flinch.
A beat of silence passes.
His grip on the steering wheel is white-knuckled. I can’t tell if he’s trying to get ahold of himself or completely falling apart.
“None of your damn business,” he finally snaps.