“Because you’re not a wolf,” Dutch says.
I frown. “So, if I were a wolf, he’d just kill me.”
Dutch shrugs. “Probably.”
Mia reaches over and smacks the back of his head.
“Ow,” he says. “What?”
She sighs. “Since you’re human, Dom would need a legal tie to you. Otherwise, anyone could challenge his rule as alpha if you were out of the picture,” she says. “Not to mention, Dom would have to fight any challenger, and the coward doesn’t want to do that.”
“So, as a single, unmarried human, I’d have a better chance of keeping my title,” I say, trying to wrap my head around all the technicalities.
“It’s hard to say,” she admits. “We’ve never had a human alpha before. Normally, if you kill an alpha wolf, you inherit their title and power. But since you’re human, there’s no power to inherit. Only the title. Keeping it might be harder.”
“I don’t know. The generals would probably accept her,” Dutch says. “Or Santiago and Conrad would, at least. She’s Franco’s bloodline, which would carry a lot of weight with them. But also, no offense, Lexi, they’d see you as someone to manipulate for their own gain.”
“True,” Mia says. “They’d probably just suck up to convince you to relinquish the title to them instead. Or give them more power than they had before.”
“So why doesn’t Franco just name Dom and be done with it already?” I still can’t figure out why Franco hasn’t disowned me—or killed me—if he hates me so much.
“That’s a great question,” Dutch drawls.
I glance from him to Grey as the two share a look I can’t decipher. My body’s still wound tight from the questions, and something tells me I’m not out of the woods yet.
“Franco’s playing a game of his own,” Mia says thoughtfully. “He doesn’t do anything without good reason.”
“We can’t underestimate him,” Dutch says, almost reluctantly. “He’s remained in power this long because he’s smart.”
I study Grey, looking for any sign he’s on to me.
“If anyone wants out, now’s the time to say so,” Grey adds. “Because if we’re discovered by either side, or if we fail, there’ll be no escape. Not like last time.” He winces as he adds, “I won’t be able to take the heat alone again.”
“Bro,” Dutch says earnestly, “we don’t want you to. That’s what I’ve been saying since you left. I’m with you until the end, no matter what happens. And I don’t want you taking any more of my punishments, do you hear me?”
Razor and Crow both offer their agreements.
I think of the way Vincenzo punished Grey just a few short days ago—extra hits because he insisted on taking everyone’s share on himself. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to watch. The fact that it wasn’t the first time he’s done it for them touches my heart and inspires a loyalty no one else ever has.
Ramsey catches my eye, and as if he can read my thoughts, his mouth presses into a hard line and his eyes flash a warning.
I meet his gaze defiantly, refusing to be cowed.
Mia pushes off from the wall, straightening to her full height, which isn’t much, but she manages to make it look both regal and terrifying. “You know how I feel, but I’ll say it again if you need to hear it. Those two asshole alphas need to be removed, and I’ll sleep even better knowing I’m the one who took them out. I agree with Dutch. I can take my own lashes from now on.”
Grey grunts. I can tell he doesn’t like the idea of letting them take a beating, but he nods then finally turns to Ramsey.
“Bro, I would take the alpha’s wrath for us both, you know that,” Ramsey says, and I swallow the acid that burns my tongue.
The fucking liar.
Grey is somber as he nods in appreciation, and my entire body fills with revulsion. I do my best to keep my fury buried far beneath the surface of my skin, but I also make myself a promise. No matter what it takes, I will find a way to stop Ramsey Greco from harming these people.
“I agree with the others,” I say resolutely enough that all eyes suddenly turn to me, including Grey’s. “If it comes down to it, let me take my own punishment.”
“Lexi,” Grey begins. “You’re not exactly strong like the rest of us?—”
“Don’t patronize me,” I cut in, furious that he’s right. “And don’t treat me like less than them just because I don’t have a wolf,” I add, gesturing to the others. “If I’m in this, I’m one of you. An equal. Which means I get to say what happens to me. I get to choose the danger I put myself in. And if I get caught, I’ll accept the consequences of those decisions. Not you.”