“He did,” I agree, looking only at Grey. “Dom’s definitely an asshole, I’m not arguing that. But he didn’t hurt me. He just wanted to scare me.”
“And did he?” Grey presses. “Scare you?”
This time, I can’t help glancing at Ramsey. “Yes,” I say, my eyes boring into his. It’s not a lie. Dom did scare me, but the damage Ramsey could do scares me more.
When I look back at Grey, his hands are fisted. He’s pissed, and I can’t tell how much of that temper is aimed at me.
“But Dutch is right,” I add, unwilling to acknowledge that Ramsey’s advice came first. “Let’s be smart, not reckless.”
Grey doesn’t answer right away, and the fear gnaws through my control until I have to squeeze my hands together to keep them from trembling. “What did he say to you?” he asks.
“And Franco.”
“Franco wasn’t even there,” Ramsey chimes in before I can answer.
Grey rounds on him. “She can speak for herself.”
Ramsey rolls his eyes like this is all just an annoyance and pops his beer open.
Grey turns back to me. His dark eyes are piercing, like he’s stripping me bare. Layer by layer. Until all that exists is the truth.
“Dom wants me,” I say quietly, not sure I can trust my voice any louder. “He said that…if I play my cards right, I’ll get him as my prize.”
Grey snarls.
“That fucker is dead,” Dutch mutters.
“Yeah, but Lexi got him,” Ramsey says, nodding his approval. “Gouged his face with her nails.”
“Good for you,” Mia says, her eyes burning so brightly, I wonder if her hair will catch fire. It’s the only thing she’s said so far, and I swallow my guilt at lying to a girl who so obviously has my back on this.
“Anything else?” Grey asks, and I refocus on him.
“I think Dom wants me out of the way,” I say, because it’s a thought I’ve had between the moments of dread over my promise to spy. “Does he stand to inherit the Giovanni pack?”
“Not officially, but the assumption was there,” Grey says. “He’s always strutted around like it’s in the bag.”
“That all went away the moment she got here,” Razor says.
The others frown.
I search their faces, hungry to understand more of this world to help me survive it. “Is that how it works?” I ask. “Franco could name another heir instead of me, and they’d just get everything?”
“Not with you alive and in this city,” Dutch says pointedly.
I try not to think about the alternative to either of those things.
“So, right now, if I’m…here, and something happens to Franco, I inherit his title?” I ask.
“Traditionally, you would, yes,” Grey says, “But…”
“But?” I prompt.
“You’re not bound to anyone yet,” Mia says when no one else speaks up. “It’s archaic and sexist as fuck, but until you and Grey are married, you’re fair game for claiming. Dom could use that. Force you to marry him instead. Then he’d kill you and get your title.”
I shudder at the casual way she tosses out the idea of my death. “Why bother to marry me before killing me?”