Page 13 of Deadly Wolf Bite

“And he believed you?”


He runs his hand through his hair, leaving it more disheveled than I’ve ever seen it. He looks ready to say more, but Mia rejoins us, followed by Razor and Crow. She drops back into her lounge chair just as Dutch and Grey appear, their arms loaded with drinks.

Dutch gives a cold beer to each of the guys, while Grey hands Mia and me a can of something I don’t recognize.

“What’s this?” I ask.

“Hard seltzer,” Mia says. “They taste way better than that crap.”

“Thanks.” I take it but don’t open it.

Alcohol and lies don’t mix well. Not for me, anyway. Ramsey, however, pops the top of his beer and swigs. The others all open their drinks and, for a moment, the small talk and laughter between them is pure friendship. The kind that can only come from a long history together.

Razor accidentally spills some of his beer on the concrete.

“Party foul,” Dutch accuses.

“Chill,” Razor mutters, shoving Dutch.

Dutch shoves him back, which results in Razor spilling even more beer.

“You’re both heathens,” Mia says.

Crow smirks at that. He catches my eye. “Don’t judge us all based on my heathen brother.”

“Noted,” I say, returning his smile.

For half a second, I forget these people aren’t my friends. Or that Crow wouldn’t be this friendly if he knew where I was last night—and why. For half a second, I let myself be happy.

The illusion vanishes when I look over at Grey. He doesn’t look amused like the others do. He’s watching Ramsey with a deepening frown. My insides tighten, and I look away again before he can catch me staring.

“Okay,” Mia says. “As fun as it is to day-drink with you assholes, can we get down to business? I have shit to do.”

“You’re really fucking bossy, you know that?” Dutch grumbles.

“I’m only bossy because you’re all children.” Mia flashes him a brilliant smile. “Someone has to be the mature one in this group.”

Ramsey laughs, and Grey’s gaze on him sharpens.

“Mia’s right,” Grey says. “We have a lot to discuss. Let’s go.”


Everyone moves to follow Grey, and I get the sense they’ve done this before. He leads them around the pool and away from the house. Ahead, the gardens spread out before us.

“Where are we going?” I fall into step with Mia at the back of the line.

She has her towel wrapped around her waist and her dark glasses hide most of her face. In a low voice, she says, “We can’t talk out in the open like this. Not with Rocco in and out of the house.”

I pause, remembering the name. “Rocco is Dutch’s father.”

“He’s the donor anyway,” Dutch pipes up.

Mia looks over at me wryly. “Like I said, we can’t risk him overhearing our conversations.”

I nod.