Page 12 of Tyrant Blood

Images and scenarios were running through Cole’s mind at a thousand miles per hour, and they all invariably involved Joaquin in various stages of undress and in a variety of different positions.

‘Screw it,’ Cole said, the exasperation at not being able to sleep getting the best of him.

Before he knew what he was doing, Cole had thrown his blanket off and pulled his cozy plaid pajama bottoms down to the tops of his thighs. With his hefty, hard manhood slapping around on his stomach, Cole reached over to the bedside table and swiftly grabbed the lube from inside the cupboard and squirted an ample amount onto his palms.

With the sound of the wind rattling against the bedroom windows, Cole gripped his cock in one hand and pulled on his balls with the other. All he could do was think about what Joaquin would look like naked as he began to pleasure himself.

The boy was petit, but looked like he could handle himself in a fight.

There was a street-smart strength to Joaquin, but Cole began to imagine just how easy it would be for a formidable athlete like him to overpower Joaquin and wrestle him to the ground. The idea of being able to dominate the boy and make him serve a master was enough to get Cole’s breathing turned up a notch or two – as was the prospect of punishing the boy’s sass with a good, long session of cock-worship.

But what was really running through Cole’s mind as he began to increase the speed of his strokes was tossing the boy over his lap and giving him a long, hard, and merciless spanking. Cole wanted to be the man who showed Joaquin how to behave. He wanted to train Joaquin and set him on the right path. And instinctively, Cole knew that the best way to do this was through a good old fashioned butt warming…

‘Fuccccccck,’ Cole groaned, his powerful quads tensing along with his big, round buttocks as he thrust his hips upward and shot a thick, hot load of cum over his strong stomach.

Cole was still breathing heavily as he continued to pump and drain the last drops of his seed to thoughts of Joaquin’s round red ass after a discipline session over his lap.

‘Hmmm… time to sleep,’ Cole muttered, glancing over at his vintage digital alarm clock and seeing that it was now deep into the early hours. ‘And come tomorrow, it’s time to find my boy and put him on the right path…’

With that, Cole shut his eyes and allowed himself to drift off to sleep.

It had been an eventful evening.

And with the next day shaping up to be potentially pretty interesting too, Cole knew that he needed to rest and recharge as much as he possible could.

The following morning, Cole made his way toward Smokers Tavern with the express mission of finding Joaquin and seeing exactly what the situation was. Cole was convinced that something was going on, something potentially dangerous for the boy, and he was determined to at least give the boy a chance to explain himself.

However on arrival at the tavern, Cole was told by Tiffany that Joaquin had checked out at the crack of dawn. Immediately on hearing this news, Cole’s heart sunk and he kicked himself as he trudged into town for a morning coffee.

Tiffany had explained that Joaquin was very sketchy about his plans, not wanting to give a single detail away. In her opinion – and Tiffany was a great judge of character – she confirmed Cole’s own suspicions when she said that Joaquin had all the hallmarks of someone on the run, someone in deep trouble. As the server at the tavern, Tiffany came across plenty of people passing through town and she could spot a troubled soul a mile away.

But all of this simply made Cole feel worse. He’d had a chance to help the boy, and he’d blown it – or at least that was how he saw things.

With the main strip’s cozy shop exteriors intermingled with tattoo parlors, bars, and coffee shops, there was something for everyone in Ridgeback Falls. But in that moment, Cole couldn’t have felt more alone if he tried.

I knew he was trouble.

But I knew he was in trouble too…

I shouldn’t have let him out of my sight last night.

‘Urgh. Time for a damn caffeine hit,’ Cole grumbled as he approached Coffee Kings. ‘I’m better off alone anyhow…’

But just as Cole was opening the door to his favorite coffee spot, he was met with a sight that couldn’t have predicted. Far from having left Ridgeback Falls in the dust, Joaquin was sitting in the corner of Coffee Kings with a mug of black coffee and the saddest blue eyes that Cole had ever seen.

If Cole thought he’d missed his chance, he was wrong.

And there was absolutely no way that Cole was going to let Joaquin slip through his fingers again – whether the young man liked it or not…

Chapter 6


Joaquin was hunched over and trying to take as much comfort as he could out of his piping hot black coffee. It was certainly true that smalltown coffee was cheaper than it was in the city, but it remained to be seen as to whether it tasted any better…

‘Bleurgh,’ Joaquin spluttered, the harsh taste of the coffee causing immediate offense to his tastebuds. ‘What the fuck…’

Joaquin edged the coffee away from him in disgust and instead stared out of the diner’s long window. Ridgeback Falls was in many ways the typical small town. It had all the cute little shops and necessities that one might imagine. And just from looking for less than a minute, Joaquin spotted all the smalltown archetypes too…