With that, Joaquin smiled with delight as Ranger got up onto all fours and trotted over to see him. And it wasn’t long before Ranger had hopped up onto the couch next to Joaquin, snuggling and making himself comfortable as he lay across the length of his body.
‘Well I’ll be damned,’ Cole remarked, looking up from this laptop. ‘He likes you. Maybe you’re not all bad after all.’
‘Hey, jerk, Ranger’s got good taste is all,’ Joaquin replied, blushing for a moment as he wondered whether this could be counted as flirting. ‘Anyway, I had dogs growing up. They all think I’m cool.’
Cole shook his head and got back to work on his laptop.
And as Joaquin felt Ranger’s warm body acting as a hot water bottle, Joaquin’s eyes gradually began to close. Suddenly, Joaquin was finding it an altogether impossible task to stop himself from falling asleep.
And sleep was exactly what Joaquin did too.
When Joaquin woke, he saw that Ranger had taken up the top third of the couch. But Joaquin didn’t mind one bit. He felt more rested than he had in a long, long time. And it even crossed his mind that from now on he should think about napping alongside a big, hairy dog to help him get the perfect sleep.
‘Hmmm, where’s Cole?’ Joaquin muttered, looking across to the desk and seeing that while the laptop and mug of coffee was still there, Cole was nowhere to be seen.
As he sat upright and stretched out his hands above his head, Joaquin let out a long, satisfied yawn. The house was more like a lodge in truth, but that only served to make it more homely.
Joaquin looked around at the basic but chunky furniture. The rugs on the floor were thick and well-worn, and there was also a sizeable DVD collection carefully stacked over by the TV set.
But there was one thing noticeable by its absence.
‘There’s not a single photograph here…’ Joaquin said, wondering why that might be the case.
However instead of getting bogged down with thoughts of why Cole didn’t seem to have any personal photographs or even mementos from his hockey career on display, Joaquin got up and decided to see precisely where Cole had got to.
After looking out front and seeing no sign of Cole, Joaquin turned back inside and walked further into the lodge. There was a muffled sound coming from behind the third door on the left and Joaquin approached with stealth.
And with the door slightly ajar, Joaquin couldn’t help himself from peeking in through the narrow gap…
Oh fuck.
And I’m…
Joaquin was staring unblinkingly as he gawped at the sight of a naked Cole lathering himself with soap underneath the shower. The steam in the room was partially obscuring Joaquin’s view, but that only seemed to make it a more tantalizing sight.
Over the years Joaquin had experienced urges toward men, even sometimes attempting to pleasure himself to gay porn. But nothing ever truly turned him on. Joaquin had always put it down to curiosity or a brief phase. However this was different.
Joaquin couldn’t take his eyes away as he watched the hulking Cole work the flannel over his large, strong pecs and down his sturdy, strong stomach.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
I can’t look.
Joaquin simply couldn’t tear his eyes away as Cole soaped his thick cock and gave it a thorough clean. It even looked like it was hardening a little as Cole pulled down on it and worked it from side to side as he cleaned himself.
But it wasn’t just Cole’s cock that was drawing Joaquin’s attention.
There was also the not so insignificant factor of Cole’s big, strong ass too. And coupled with his muscular legs, Cole’s physique could quite easily have been drawn up from that of a Greek God.
At this point, Joaquin’s cock was rock hard inside his pants. There was no denying just how aroused he was. In fact, before Joaquin realized what he was doing, he was silently unzipping his pants and taking his cock in his hands.
Knowing that it was a totally crazy thing to do, but doing it anyway, Joaquin began to work his hands up and down his shaft. Joaquin didn’t want to break a direct line of sight to Cole for a single second, but did look away for a moment as he quietly spat a sliver of saliva down onto the top of his throbbing dick head.
This is bad.