‘Enough,’ Cole said. ‘Pull your pants up, we’re going back to mine. And we’re going to get to the heart of the matter. And now you know I’m not fucking around, I don’t expect a single other problem from you from here on out. You got that?’
‘Got it,’ Joaquin said, his voice soft and every inch of his mind and body ready and willing to do whatever Cole told him to.
Joaquin didn’t know whether this feeling would last. And he certainly had no idea of what he might be getting himself into. But he did know one thing for sure. He felt safe.
The only question was whether he would still be feeling safe once he was back at Cole’s place…
Chapter 7
As Cole drove up toward his house, he shot a look across to the passenger seat and saw Joaquin sitting with a calm, contemplative look on his face. Gone was the somewhat manic, devilish energy from the Smokers Tavern from the other night, and instead there was an altogether more wholesome energy to him.
Cole knew that the spanking had almost certainly whooped some sense into the boy, but there was almost certainly a finite timeline to that. There would need to be more spankings, that was almost for sure. The only question was when.
There was something else on Cole’s mind too.
More than once, Joaquin had gone out of his way to say that he wasn’t into guys. In truth, Cole wasn’t buying that for one second. Cole had met a hundred others like Joaquin in the past, and was certain that Joaquin was either lying to him, or lying to himself.
If nothing else, the sight of Joaquin’s hard cock shaking and slapping from side to side before, during, and after the alleyway spanking was enough to show Cole that the boy felt excited by his submission.
But Cole knew that these things could be complex too.
With this in mind, Cole decided that he would keep an open mind on how things developed between them. After all, the main priority right now was giving Joaquin a decent meal, bath, and letting him rest. Whatever else needed to be done or discussed could come later.
‘We’re here,’ Cole said, pulling his truck up close to the house. ‘It’s not much, but it’s mine.’
‘This is your place?’ Joaquin asked, a note of surprise in his voice. ‘Didn’t you play for like ten years as a pro?’
‘Ha! Well, like I said, it’s not much,’ Cole replied. ‘And when you’ve made as many bad financial decisions as me, and paid out enough in lawyer fees to last a lifetime, then you kind of have to take what you can get.’
Cole watched as Joaquin got out of the truck and looked around, a mixture of intrigue and nervousness written all over his admittedly very sweet face. While it was true that Joaquin needed a good wash and some clean clothes, there was no denying just how hot he was.
During the spanking, Cole’s manhood had been thumpingly hard the entire time. Joaquin’s petit but perfectly rounded ass was a perfect target in more ways than one, that was for sure. And seeing the young man up close and personal in the alleyway had lit something in Cole that he hadn’t experienced in some time.
Sure, there were clubs that Cole could hit. He knew that with his hockey background and physique he could still find a one-night match any night of the week. And there were all kind of apps too, should Cole have wanted. But that was the issue… Cole had simply lost interest.
But Joaquin might just have been sparking all that up once more...
‘Come on, let’s get you inside,’ Cole said, stepping out of the truck and walking over toward the house’s slightly battered front door. ‘Trust me, it’s cozier on the inside.’
Joaquin let a slight smile creep out the side of his mouth. It wasn’t much, but it was something. And as Cole held the front door open for Joaquin to step inside, he felt something solidify in his mind.
He might be more trouble than he’s worth.
But I want to save this boy.
And I want to make him mine.
Cole could tell that Joaquin was nervous. For all his attitude, the boy was only twenty-three and clearly had a lot going on in his life. And it was for this reason that Cole decided to hold back on the questions, at least for the time being…
‘I thought we were going to talk?’ Joaquin asked, pacing around Cole’s kitchen, his eyes darting around the place.
‘We will,’ Cole replied. ‘But I wanted to hear the truth. And I mean the real truth. I’m not going to get that from you if you’re tired, hungry, and feeling like crap. So, take a seat and take a deep breath. I’ve got this covered.’
Joaquin smiled shyly and sat down at the battered old oak table.
Cole set about making a pot of coffee and cut some thick slices of sourdough to make some toast too.