Tiffany’s eyes widened. “Yeah?”
Adrianna winced, looking straight at him. “He’s Professor Hanks.”
“Shut up!” Tiffany almost spilled her coffee.” Adrianna Rose, you have some explaining to do.”
“I know, I know. How was I supposed to know he taught her? Ugh, I never expected to see him again, let alone him to be my professor.”
Adrianna shook her head, a blush creeping into her cheeks as she thought of Professor Hanks. That night came rushing back in a flurry of tangled limbs and whispered promises. She banished the memory, taking another long sip of coffee.
This was going to be a long semester.
Adrianna slid into a seat in the front row, Tiffany taking the one beside her. She kept her eyes straight ahead, acutely aware of Mickey—no, Professor Hanks—moving around at the front of the room.
His voice was like velvet as he greeted the class. “Welcome to American Literature. I’m Professor Hanks. Many of you took this as an elective and will graduate at the end of the semester, but after looking over the syllabus, you understand that this is not an easy pass class. I want to clarify that just because you are close to getting that diploma, it does not warrant a passing grade in my class if you do not do the work and take part in discussions. Are we clear?”
Most of the class audibly agreed, but Adrianna noticed some students were already ready to walk out of the door and drop the class. Everyone thinks the English major classes were the easiest to scrape by and pass to graduate, and it was the opposite, especially the upper level electives.
Adrianna’s grip tightened on her pen, a flush rising in her cheeks. She didn’t dare look up, even as she sensed his gaze lingering on her. How was she going to get through the next few months?
“To start, I’d like you all to introduce yourselves and share one of your favorite books.”
As her classmates introduced themselves one by one, Adrianna frantically tried to think of what she would say. How was she supposed to concentrate when all she could think about was the way Mickey’s hands had felt on her skin?
When it was her turn, she stood on shaky legs. “I’m Adrianna Rose. One of my favorites is Wuthering Heights.”
“An excellent choice.” His approval sent a thrill through her.
Their eyes met for a heartbeat, and she forgot how to breathe. Then he looked away, continuing on to the next student, and she collapsed back into her seat.
Adrianna couldn’t help but remember their discussion on Wuthering Heights and the impeccable first edition she found in his home library. Not that she could ever tell anyone else about that.
Tiffany’s hand found hers beneath the desk, giving it a quick squeeze. Adrianna didn’t know how she was going to handle this. Being this close to Mickey—no, Professor Hanks—again awakened something inside her she’d tried to bury.
This was going to be an agonizing semester. But there was no way she was dropping this class now. Not when she discovered the man behind the mystery that had haunted her dreams.
She was in trouble. Deep, deep trouble.
Adrianna tried to focus on the syllabus Professor Hanks handed out, but her gaze kept straying to his hands, remembering their strength and gentleness as he’d explored her body. Heat flooded her cheeks, and she shook her head, trying to clear it.
When he started discussing the reading list, she forced herself to pay attention. Most of the books were familiar to her, old favorites she’d read many times. A few were new to her, and she made a mental note to get copies from the library.
At least the course material was engaging enough to provide a distraction from her wildly inappropriate thoughts. She snuck a glance at Mickey, taking in the passion on his face as he spoke about the themes and metaphors in the books. His love of literature was one of the many things she found attractive about him.
Stop it, she scolded herself. Finding anything about him attractive was entirely unacceptable. She was here to learn, not rekindle a one-night stand.
As if he felt the weight of her gaze, Mickey’s eyes cut to hers. For a long moment they stared at each other, a wealth of unspoken words passing between them. Adrianna’s heart stuttered, and she wondered if anyone else noticed the tension in the room.
Then he looked away again, clearing his throat before continuing his lecture. But his cheeks were flushed, and his hands trembled as he picked up a book to use as an illustration.
Adrianna slumped in her seat, blinking back tears of frustration. She had to stay away from him, for both their sakes. No matter how difficult it would be, she couldn’t risk their careers or her education over a silly infatuation.
If only her traitorous heart would listen.
Adrianna forced herself to focus on Tiffany, who was chatting about the reading list for the semester."This is going to be such an amazing class! I can’t believe we get to study under Professor Hanks. Some books on here are truly classics."
Adrianna nodded along, trying to appear engaged. “I know. It’s a dream come true for English majors like us.”
Tiffany said. “But really, this class is going to be amazing. And Professor Hanks seems...dreamy.”