“Sorry about that!” The girl grinned, brushing a lock of blonde hair behind one ear. “Oh, hey, Adrianna.”
Adrianna blinked, taking in the other girl’s heart-shaped face and bright blue eyes. “hey,” she said.
Rachel chirped. “We have English Lit together, right? I just love Professor Hanks. Don’t you think he’s brilliant?”
A spark of unease flickered in Adrianna’s chest. She forced a polite smile. “He’s a good professor.”
“Oh, he’s more than that.” Rachel’s smile turned coy. “Anyway, see you in class!”
She sauntered off, leaving Adrianna with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Rachel’s interest in Professor Hanks could only complicate matters, and she had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last she’d see of her.
Adrianna kept a wary eye on Rachel. She sat in the front row as always, back straight and pen poised over her notebook, the model of a diligent student.
Rachel was anything but. She lingered by Professor Hanks’ desk, leaning in close as she asked him a question. One hand rested casually on his forearm, fingertips brushing bare skin.
Adrianna’s nails dug into her palm. She forced herself to look away, heat flooding her cheeks. It shouldn’t matter what Rachel did. Professor Hanks was off-limits, no matter how her traitorous heart ached for him.
“Today we’ll be discussing D.H. Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover.” Professor Hanks cleared his throat, gently extracting himself from Rachel’s grasp. He avoided Adrianna’s gaze as he headed to the front of the classroom.
Rachel sauntered to an empty desk beside Adrianna, her perfume cloying. “Wonderful choice, isn’t it?” she purred. “All that delicious passion and forbidden love. I’m sure the professor finds it...inspiring.”
Adrianna’s mouth tightened. She kept her eyes forward, refusing to engage.
“Oh come on.” Rachel’s voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. “Surely you’ve thought about it. What it would be like to be with him.”
A hot flush crept up Adrianna’s neck. Her fingers tightened around her pen.
“I know I have,” Rachel continued. “All those lectures, the way he looks at us like he can see right through us...He must be incredible in bed. All that intensity and control.”
“That’s enough,” Adrianna hissed.
Rachel blinked, all innocence. “Whatever do you mean?”
Adrianna’s jaw clenched. She wanted nothing more than to wipe the smug smile off Rachel’s face. But she wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of a reaction.
Rachel sighed. “Suit yourself. But you might as well give up now. He’ll be mine before the semester’s over.”
She flounced to a seat on the opposite side of the room. Adrianna’s nails bit into her palms, anger and frustration warring with anguish in her chest.
Rachel was wrong. Professor Hanks would never be hers.
No matter the cost, Adrianna was determined to make sure of it.
Adrianna stared at the pages of her book, Rachel’s words echoing in her mind like a malicious taunt.
He’ll be mine before the semester’s over.
Her throat tightened. She couldn’t lose him. Not to Rachel, of all people.
With a jerky motion, she shoved her book into her bag and stood. She had to talk to someone, or she was liable to do something she’d regret.
She found Tiffany in the courtyard, chatting with a group of classmates. At Adrianna’s approach, Tiffany excused herself and drew Adrianna to a secluded alcove, concern etched into her brow.
“What is it? What happened?”
The words tumbled out in a rush. Rachel’s flirtation, her smug confidence, her claim on Professor Hanks. By the time she finished, Adrianna was clutching Tiffany’s hands, her knuckles white.