Page 21 of The Charmer

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me.”

By his challenging grin, she knew he was kidding, but somehow, she didn’t want to test him. Besides, the thought of what he’d suggested sounded way too good to a woman who hadn’t got up close and personal with any guy in a long time.

“Do you always get the final word?”

She could’ve backed down, but where was the fun in that? If there was one thing guaranteed to get her fired up it was a challenge, particularly from a guy who probably always got what he wanted.

Rather than answering her mild dig, he changed the subject altogether.

“You mentioned earlier that all you need to finish is some facial details?”


“Do we have to do that in the studio?”

He reached for his coffee and drained the mug in one go, when what she really wanted to see was his entire face and read where a strange question like that was leading.

“The studio is where I do my portrait work.”

Though that wasn’t entirely true. She’d often taken a sketch pad down to the St. Kilda foreshore or Albert Park Lake, capturing whatever scene took her fancy, whether it be a person, animal, or landscape. New surroundings inspired her and she loved it.

But the thought of sketching Cooper outside of her studio seemed way too personal.

Like this.

One on one time in a cosy café, sitting across from his sexy smiles and piercing blue eyes, definitely entered the realm of too personal and made her forget one very important point.

This guy was the enemy.

No matter how charming, how glib, how sexy, he was here for one reason and one reason only; to tear her world apart. And she’d be a darn sight smarter to concentrate on that salient fact rather than the intense colour of his eyes.

“Too bad. The weather forecast for the weekend is perfect and I thought it would be good to try a change of scenery. Don’t know about you but I need to shake off my moon tan and catch some sun.”

He held his chin and turned his face from side to side, a cocky grin on his face. “It would be an excellent opportunity for you to study my exceptional profile in some real light. You know, to put the finishing touches on the masterpiece and all.”

She shouldn’t encourage him, she really shouldn’t. But who could resist a man with a smart mouth like that?

“Where did you have in mind?”

Cooper winked and tapped the side of his nose in true conspirator fashion. “Why don’t you leave that up to me? Who knows, this boring hick might surprise you yet. I’ll pick you up on Sunday around ten.”

With that he stood, took a final glance around the café, sent her a sexy smile and headed out the door, leaving her wondering if she’d taken leave of her senses.

Painting Cooper was one thing. Spending Sunday morning with the cocky, infuriating guy, another.

Think of the finished portrait…think of the money…

Instead, all she could think about was how denim did incredible things to his butt and how stupid she was for noticing. Worse, how in just over a week, she liked this guy more than she’d liked any guy before.

Not good.

And she had a feeling that by spending her precious Sunday morning with him, things were about to get a whole lot worse.

Chapter Fifteen

“Aren’t you just full of original ideas this morning?”