We talk through several more questions, going over how we typically handle situations like his.
“We can offer surveillance, around-the-clock bodyguard services at your office, home, or wherever you go.” He points toward me. “This one’s expertise is why we call him the shadow. Obviously, we will be armed and anyone who works with us will be as well. Are you okay with that?”
“Okay with it?” he says, pulling back his suit coat to reveal a 357 magnum pistol. He pulls it out, cocking the hammer back and pointing it toward the ceiling. “Armed is the only way I roll.”
I have to bite my cheek to keep from laughing. This dumbass has some cowboyed-up version of himself in his head that I know is going to cause us headaches.
“Great,” Jimmy says, glancing over at me. “We’ll be in touch with steps moving forward and a contract.”
“You seem distracted,” Jimmy says to me after we’ve left his office and stepped into the elevator.
“No, just something doesn’t seem right with that guy.”
I shake my head, frustrated that I can’t pinpoint it. “You know, when it’s in your gut.”
“It’s gonna be easy money; you’re overthinking it. The guy is in his head about this shit. I guarantee you his wife, if she is threatening him, is doing it to scare him and nothing more. And while you and I know there’s probably zero credible threat here, we should still take the case… just in case.” He chuckles as we step out of the elevator and into the lobby and glances around. “Shit, you know what? I forgot I’m supposed to stop by Aspen’s office and remind her to call Blaire tonight.” He steps over to the directory, “Let me just double-check which floor she’s on.”
“Aspen works here?”
“Yeah.” He punches the button again for the elevator. “I thought you knew that.”
It hits me like a fucking freight train. The side profile of her boss, leaning forward to open her door.
It was him.
Connor Fucking Blake, my new assignment.
“You coming up or not?” Jimmy stares at me, holding the door open as a few others climb inside.
“No, I’ll be outside.” I turn and walk through the lobby, the fresh air hitting me. I’m seconds away from storming back upstairs and into his office, grabbing him by his ten-thousand-dollar suit and shoving the barrel of that 357 mag in his smug face, reminding him that she is not his, that she is off-limits.
This— This emotional and erratic feeling I’m having isn’t normal. It feels visceral, like I won’t be able to control myself if I get near him again. This feeling isn’t new. I’ve had it before, when a man just like Connor Blake destroyed my mother’s life, taking it in the process.
“Hey, sorry about that. You can’t come home with an I forgot when your wife is pregnant. Trust me.”
“So we’re taking the job?” I stare out the window as we drive back to the office.
“Unless you say otherwise.” I can feel Jimmy’s eyes on me.
Maybe this is the perfect opportunity. I’ll have an excuse to follow this piece of shit around, make sure he doesn’t step another foot in Aspen’s apartment or lay another finger on her.
“Nope, got no reason not to. Like you said, easy money.”
“Good. I’ll send him over the contract today if you want to work on logistics, reach out to our camera guy, and get an install scheduled.”
“Done.” I pull out my phone and dial our camera guy.
The elevator dings, the doors opening with a soft whoosh. I hold my breath, and then I see her. Her hair is in a braid, pulled away from her face. Her keys are already in her hand, ready. And then she sees me, a smile stretching from ear to ear as she closes the distance between us.
“Are you my bodyguard now?” She giggles, a stark contrast to the frustration I’m feeling right now.
“No,” I say matter-of-factly, her smile disappearing instantly. “I’m actually your boss’ new bodyguard. Connor Blake.”
Chapter 7