Page 118 of Savage




Okay, maybe he was right that I would hate it because this is absolutely not a present. This is going to be torture. “How long will you be gone?” I ask, knowing perfectly well that he means I’m going too.

He must see through my attempts to delay, but he ignores them. “We’ll be there for a week. You’ll need new clothes, of course. We’ll go shopping soon. And I doubt Mother has anything planned outside of staying at a hotel and sitting around a pool, so we can research day trips for us to do while we’re there. A week is hardly enough time, but I don’t think any of us can afford to take more time off work.”

“Your family hates me,” I say mournfully.

Well, Bethany likes me more now, but his mother absolutely loathes me. I haven’t seen her since the event—the one I desperately do not want to think about, especially now—and I have no desire to see her again.

Then there’s the fact that bathing suits will put my wrists on display, and I’ll have to face inevitable questions or stares.

“Mother hates you,” Hunter corrects. “But I don’t care what she thinks, and neither should you. I’m more worried that Jacob will like you a little too much. We’ll have to make sure he brings his mistress du jour on the trip.”

I wrap my arms around his leg, burying my face against his leg. My voice is muffled as I respond, “I hope he doesn’t notice me. I don’t want anyone paying attention to me but you.”

“If anyone makes you uncomfortable, just tell me,” Hunter says. He massages the nape of my neck. “It’s still two months away. We can invite Bethany over sometime, or Jacob and his family. My nephew was very impressed that I’ve played a video game by now.”

I draw back a little, unable to hide my smile. “You’re even getting better,” I tease him. He doesn’t make his character fall off of cliffs as much, and he doesn’t fail at making jumps like he used to.

“Yes, yes.” He tweaks my nose affectionately, and I beam up at him.

I don’t think Hunter even knew how to joke around before me. I feel like I’ve given him something too, even if I won’t ever tell him that.

“Now, do you want the other gift?” Hunter reaches for his briefcase and opens it, angled in such a way that I can’t see what’s inside.

“Yes,” I say quickly, straightening. “Please, Master.”

I try to be patient, but I can’t help but fidget.

Hunter pulls a black, rectangular box out of the briefcase and sets it on his lap. He sets a stern gaze on me. “This gift… once you accept, you can’t ever refuse it. I need you to understand that.” He shakes his head. “But if you refuse, that might be the end, too.”

“The end… The end of what?” I ask, alarmed by his tone.

He lifts the lid and angles the box towards me.

Stretched out lengthwise is a beautiful necklace. It isn’t delicate—the chain looks sturdier than most, in fact, but the links are in an intricate design, and they’re polished to a shine. The center holds a large circular O-ring with a gemstone dangling in the middle.

It’s beautiful.

And I know it’s not just a necklace.

“Why would I ever refuse it?” I ask in a hoarse whisper. “Why would I ever refuse you?”

Hunter gives me an amused look. “Many, many people have refused me, Stef. I’m the kind of man women warn each other about. I know, because at least one of my exes did exactly that.” He removes the collar from the box and holds it up to my neck. “This is permanent, Stef. You will never be allowed to leave me once I’ve placed this on you.”

I blink at him, alarm rising within me at the thought that I might leave at all—that he might let me when I thought this was forever. “I don’t understand, Master,” I tell him, swallowing hard as I fight back tears. “I told you I’d stay forever. You told me you’d never let me go. Don’t you want me anymore?”

Hunter laughs. “Stef. I want you so much. If it were up to me, I’d lock you up in that room and make sure the only person you ever interacted with was me. I am… trying… to do what’s right for you. I don’t… I don’t want to be the reason you decide not to try anymore.”

I clutch his leg, burying my face against his cock through his sweatpants. “I like the way you are,” I admit in a muffled voice. “I know it’s…” I frown a little. I don’t actually know what it is. A bit extreme, maybe? “I don’t know why anyone would refuse you. I really, really don’t. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”

He pets me for a moment before guiding me to look at him. I try to blink away the tears—but I know it doesn’t matter if he sees them, because he loves my tears.

“My beautiful Stef,” Hunter says, and he clasps the collar around my neck. “You’re mine. Forever.”