Page 115 of Savage

“Remember. Don’t move those hands,” Hunter murmurs.

I nod, clenching my hands. I can do this for him. It’s easy enough—or so I think, until Hunter begins tickling my side.

I let out a startled giggle, and I start to move my hands until I remember that I’m supposed to be holding them still. I clench them into fists and force them to stay above my head, but I can’t stop my body from squirming.

“No! Please, Master, I can’t—” I say between giggles. I glance at him, and shock stills my laughter for a second.

He’s smiling. Properly smiling.

I stare at him in awe, struck by how damn gorgeous he is when he smiles. I want to tell him that he should smile more often, but that would probably wipe it right off his face.

Instead, I just luxuriate in the knowledge that I can make him smile, that I can please him.

His hands still, and he kisses my stomach again. “Good girl.” His kisses travel lower, and he pushes my thighs up to kiss them, too. He starts sucking on the inside of my thigh, right where it meets my cunt.

A gasp escapes me, and I have to clench and unclench my hands to keep myself from moving them. God, I just want to bury my fingers in his hair—not even to urge him closer, but just to feel that connection.

Then again, it’s hardly like we lack a connection right now, especially when he leans in to flick his tongue across my clit. I moan, my hips lifting just a little as I squirm.

“Be still,” Hunter says. “I’m trying to enjoy myself.” He doesn’t sound mad though, and it’s hard to consider his words a rebuke when they’re followed by his tongue pressing harder against my clit.

I swallow hard, trying not to move, but it’s so difficult. It just feels so good, and I can’t figure out what to do with so much intimate pleasure. We’ve fucked, sure, but this goes beyond that.

Hunter slides a single finger inside me and starts massaging my inner wall, all while he continues to lick and suck my clit. I tremble and do my best not to move, but even keeping my hands in place starts to get difficult.

I won’t fail though. I’m bound just as much now as if he’d used rope. I’m going to show Hunter that he was right to save me, that he’s right to keep me.

I grasp at the sheets, trying to use them to keep me focused on this moment, on doing what I’m supposed to do instead of all the ways I could fail. I don’t want to fail. I want him to be proud of me, to care for me, and I want to hear him call me good girl.

But it’s so difficult because it feels so fucking amazing.

The more he laves his tongue over my clit, the more he coaxes his finger inside of me, the more pleasure that builds up inside of me. I don’t think I’ve ever approached orgasm this quickly, and I mewl in desperate pleasure.

He continues insistently, and I clench and unclench my fingers in time with my body doing the same. I would never have guessed that he could bring so much pleasure to someone, and I wonder how many women he’s done this with.

I can’t help but be jealous of them.

But that feeling swept away almost immediately because my body starts to tremble as pleasure builds and builds. I let out a series of pathetic moans that steadily increase in volume and intensity, until I can’t hold it back any longer. I wail, my fingers clawing helplessly at the sheets, as I fight not to grab his hair.

“Master!” I cry out as the orgasm crashes over me like some great wave, and I’m swept under the tide to the point where I don’t even notice at first that he’s moving. It isn’t until his cock is pushing inside of me that I realize he’s gotten atop me, and it gets even more difficult to keep my hands to myself.

I’m obedient, though, and he likes that I’m obedient—so I don’t move my hands even though I’m quivering all over.

“Beautiful,” Hunter says as he thrusts into me. His movements are quick, erratic, a far cry from how controlled he usually is. There’s a desperation there that’s unfamiliar—but also known, because I feel it too. His hands grip my thighs tight enough that I’ll probably have bruises tomorrow, but those will just be another sign of how much he desires me.

I clench my cunt for him as best I can, despite how wrung out I am. I want to give him as much pleasure as he’s given me. I want to show him how much I…

My breath stutters as I realize where that thought was going.

Hunter’s hips slam against me, and he drives even deeper inside. I cry out, my back arching, but I keep my hands exactly where they’re supposed to be.

Hunter lets out a guttural sound. “Mine,” he growls, pounding faster, harder, so much that my body slides up the bed a few inches.

“Yes,” I cry out, shuddering as my back arches and more pleasure fills me to the brim. If he keeps going like this, I’m going to come again—again and again, until there’s nothing left of me.

He keeps going, his fingers digging into my skin, his body pressed against mine as sweat starts to trickle down his face.

“Master!” I cry out again as the second orgasm threatens to overtake me. “Master, please!”