Squeezing his hand, I whispered, “It’s good to see you, Blake.”
“It’s good to see you, too, Princess. The real you, that is,” he stated as he gestured at my crown.
I laughed, recalling those were the last words I’d said to him.
How the tables have turned.
I gestured to the doors from which he’d just snuck out. “Were you trying to skip the celebration?”
His cheeks pinkened, and he rubbed at the back of his neck. “Yeah. When I saw you and realized who you were … Well, you know … I didn’t want to get caught and potentially killed for my crimes.”
“I really don’t like the sound of all this,” Angus grumbled behind me.
I narrowed my eyes at Angus over my shoulder, just in time to see Rune shoot more daggers Blake’s way as he mumbled, “Something you and I actually agree on, Anus.”
Angus whipped his head to stare slack-jawed at Rune. “Excuse me?”
Rune’s face immediately softened with innocence, and he met Angus’s eyes. “You’re excused.”
Rolling my eyes, I faced Blake again. “You aren’t going to be punished. So stay. Mingle, have a snack, make friends. Okay?”
His eyes brightened with the hint of a smile, and he nodded. “Yes, Your Highness.”
My entourage and I watched as Blake slipped back into the ballroom while we waited for the guards on the other side to announce us.
“So, that was Blake?” Dallas asked, crossing her arms. “As in tried-to-rob-you Blake?”
“I’m sorry, he did what?” Jesiah shouted in bewilderment.
I opened my mouth to dismiss his worries when Rune growled, “That’s not all he did. He also—”
“Okay!” I yelled as I threw my palm over Rune’s mouth to silence him. I gave every pair of worried eyes a grin. “I handled Blake, okay? He isn’t a threat to me or anyone, so all is well. Can we move on, please?”
A loud cheer suddenly sounded from beyond the ballroom doors.
Perfect timing!
I released a sigh. “I believe that’s our cue. We have Fae to meet. So let’s focus on this.”
Everyone got back in formation to create the Bria-and-Rune sandwich. Rune straightened, and he offered me his hand, which I gladly took. When our eyes locked, I dropped my voice for him alone and asked, “Are you ready?”
He leaned down to place the smallest of kisses on my cheek. “As long as you’re with me.”
The doors opened, and together, we glided into the ballroom where Water Fae waited for us.
Chapter Twenty-One
“THANK YOU, YOUR HIGHNESS!” THE woman cried, continuing to bow at the waist.
Keeping my grin in place and hoping my face didn’t hint at how awkward I really felt, I said, “Really, Mary. No thanks necessary. Anything I can do for you and everyone here, I will.”
After thanking me a dozen more times for offering her a job as a chef in the palace, she finally made her way off the dais where Rune and I stood with our guards flanking the floor and beside us. I immediately released my breath and wiped my clammy hands on the skirt of my dress.
Mary had to be nearing the hundredth or so person that had come to see Rune and me, and there were still countless more faces in the sea of mingling Water Fae. So far, everyone had been cordial, and only a handful had questioned my intention of marrying a Land Fae, though they did so as respectively as one could in that situation. I figured having everyone exposed to the Land Fae by means of the move-in crew made it far easier for them to accept Rune and the others spread throughout the room.
“This isn’t too bad,” Rune noted as his eyes scanned the packed room. “No fights or assassination attempts have been made yet. I’d say that’s a good sign.”
Laughing, I lightly smacked his chest. “Not funny, Rune.”