Page 103 of Calling of the Crown

His hand coasted up and down my bare back in feathery light touches. “I have something else for you that I hope you love.”

“If it’s round two, I need another minute. Limbs are still jelly.”

He chuckled as he reached beside the mattress where his clothes were. He dug around for a minute, and when he reappeared next to me, something on his hand caught the light. I zeroed in on it and realized I was staring at a silver band on his finger, and he held a smaller, matching one up for me to see.

I lifted my head off the blankets and raised up onto an elbow. My eyes darted between the bands and Rune’s eyes. “Is—Is that …”

“I know we’ve been doing everything by Fae standards and customs since coming back to Ambrolia, so rings aren’t really necessary. But I thought you might like them, especially since you lived as a human for so long.”

Feeling a flutter break free in my chest, I sat all the way up, bringing the sheet with me to cover myself. Biting my lip to fight the smile that wanted to consume my face, I asked, “When did you get those?”

“I made different trips to a Silver Fae, and he made them for me.” He held the band out for me and said, “Read the inscription inside.”

I took the ring from him and peered at the intricately written words on the inside of the band.

Until the waves cease their tide and the flames burn out—forever with you

My throat clogged with affection.

“Mine says the same thing,” he stated, holding up his left hand to show off the ring. He took the band back from me, grabbed my hand, and slipped it onto my finger.

It was a perfect fit. I stared down at the simple, beautiful ring, and profound love for the man in front of me filled me to the brim. The two of us had faced so much together, worked through countless obstacles, and overcome numerous odds. We were two people who never should’ve worked, but we did because what we shared was irreplaceable.

Rune encouraged me to be my best self, even when doubt weighed me down.

I pushed Rune to be honest and reach for his happiness, even if fear tried to hold him back.

We provided comfort, support, and love in life’s saddest moments, reminding the other that we didn’t have to face the darkness alone. He’d be the flame to light my way when I was lost, and I’d be the wave that carried him back to shore during even the hardest of storms. No matter the trials we faced, no matter the odds stacked against us, he and I would always fight for the love we’d grown.

I leaned forward and let go of the sheet I clutched to my chest. I wrapped my hands into his hair and guided him down to place a soft kiss to his lips. Pulling back to rest my forehead against his, I whispered, “I love you so much, Rune.”

“I feel like love doesn’t do justice to what I feel for you.” He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and let his hand rest on my jaw, his thumb brushing across my skin. “I burn for you. I fight for you. I breathe for you. All that I am, I am for you. You changed me that day you stumbled upon me by the creek. Neither of us knew it then, but my life became yours that day. You saved me, in more ways than one, and I will never, ever stop loving you.”

My eyes closed with the threat of tears. It was a confession I’d replay up until my last moments, and it was also the confession that reminded me how close that moment could be.

This could be my last night with Rune.

My last night to stare into the amber eyes that promised laughter, pleasure, adventure, and devotion.

My last night in the arms that provided safety, comfort, warmth, and a sense of belonging.

My last night of kissing, talking, and loving this man who’d become my best friend and husband.

My Fox.

So, I refused to spend the remainder of the night in tears. Instead, I pushed him onto his back, plastered my lips to his, and sank onto his still ready shaft. We explored every inch of each other, recounted gleeful stories, easy times, held each other close, and spent every moment in each other’s embrace until sleep finally claimed us.

And then came dawn.

Chapter Forty-Five

THE CAMP BUSTLED AS EVERYONE made final preparations for the battle we were about to step into. Single tents were taken down and packed, soldiers put on their silver-and-blue armor, Fae tested out their various skills on practice targets and dummies. Families said their goodbyes.

I finished braiding my blue hair and watched them all slowly trickle over to where I stood beside Rune and my guards. One of the Land Fae had made a platform that overlooked my army, and I felt every set of eyes on me as they gathered before it. Most of my friends lined up in the front with the rest of the crowd behind them.

I took that moment to meet the eyes of each person I considered my family. Dallas on one side of me. Rune on the other. Rance beside him. Jesiah, standing close by. Akira, Bassel, Avana, Imani, and Ardley standing proudly in front of the sea of Fae. Even Alvaro next to them. I took the time to truly see them, because this could be the last moment I did.

With everyone finally gathered, I took a deep breath and held my head high. “Today, a new world will be born. Today, we fight for the harmony and kindness our challengers have refused to give. Today, we come together as many but step out onto the battlefield as one. Today, we come out victorious!”